About bezier spline plugin..If Im wrong!
If any where Im wrong plz correct me.
1.technically you can draw any kind of curves or... by native SU but with this plugin you can do it easier and faster
2. When I want to use this plugin I actually only use B-spline and F-spline... but I dont know the exact difference between the others... yes Ive seen the comparison between them and Ive read the tutorials but they arent any specific.for me these 2 are eanough .
tell me if you know the exact difference and give me an example that shows the lack of ability in 1 of them between the others.(if you could explain the usage of each of them shortly I appreciate it) -
Check the help documentation under the tools menu
Dear Rich
Ive checked it before asking (Ive checked both of tutorials)
But maybe Im referring to wrong documentation and not the ones that you are saying(Tutorial BezierSpline - English - v1.2.pdf,,,http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=13563 )
but in this pdf, Catmull isnt even mentioned.
Im guessing the usage experimentally but I was wondering do you use this tool(catmull)?
I think Im missing some thing and thats because Im writing this or maybe like always Im complicating... tell me which one?
sincerely A.A -
All those curves are generated using different math. Perhaps the best thing to do is Google the terms you're not familiar with. For example, here is a page that defines the Catmull spline . And here's one for B-splines including Uniform B-Splines
Dear Dave
I didnt see it that way
P.S: If there was any especial experience using these tools I would appreciate your share.
Thank you both.
A.A -
Well, when I look at those maths there, I rather just go along which curve looks better when I draw.
A very informative article on Bezier Spline can be found here...
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As a matter of interest, catmull splines are used in aerospace industry for propeller,turbine blade and airfoil design.
Thank you Dear Rich
Dear Gaieus, that was one of the thing I really needed to hear. because I dont use these mathematical so I was thinking missing some thing.
Thank you.