Kzx to skp
can anybody tell me how to convert kerkythea's models (kzx format )to sketchup
Pritam -
Kzx is actually a renamed zip file. Change the extension to ZIP and unpack the archive. You will find an XML file inside. This file can be converted by this tool (it says - I have not tried): about the converter on the Kerkythea forums
You can also use this nice application to directly convert .xml/.kzx files to obj. Then you need a plugin to import the obj in SU. Here are a couple: -
thanks Massimo and Gaieus.
The tool can easily convert xml/kzx to obj. But the obj importer in sketchup is a trouble as it takes ages to import small models. Mostly it crashes. Whenever it imports, it also loses all the textures.I am using sketchup for modeling and kerky for rendering. KT has a great library of 3D plants and landscaping material. but I find it very difficult to move the models around in KT.
Is it possible to import KT xml files into sketchup. even this wud solve my problem. Or is there any better way to handle plant models in KT.
@3dmodellers said:
I am using sketchup for modeling and kerky for rendering. KT has a great library of 3D plants and landscaping material. but I find it very difficult to move the models around in KT.
First of all I'd like to say that if you succeed importing i.e. one of the KT Xfrog trees to SU, I'm sure you'll learn that they're almost impossible to handle in SU...
SU is well know for it's limitations on poly heavy models, so be prepared...What models are you refering to, cause like I said above, if it's one of the Xfrog trees, they are available in other file formats, which - in principle - should be possible to import to SU...
@3dmodellers said:
Is it possible to import KT xml files into sketchup. even this wud solve my problem.
Sorry... It's not possible...
@3dmodellers said:
Or is there any better way to handle plant models in KT.
Well... You haven't told us anything about how you handle it today, so difficult to say if there's a better way...
Any way... I really don't understand why you find these models difficult to handle (I assume you mean position...?) in KT...
If you group them and use the gizmo, they can easily be positioned anywhere in your model in KT...
Or take a look at the tutorial I wrote many moons ago from the Replace your instance with KT instance object (proxy,almost) thread... -
Thanks Freidreik,
that tutorial was lot of help. I successfully replaced many trees. Since the widths of the original trees and new trees are different , lot of empty spaces are created between the new trees now. I would like to just copy a tree and paste it wherever I want. Is that possible in KT(copy, move and paste.)I started using KT since last Wednesday. Kt gives great results and has great library of materials and models. bad for me that I am not able to navigate . A lot of my problems in KT are because I was used to the ease of sketchup.
@3dmodellers said:
Since the widths of the original trees and new trees are different , lot of empty spaces are created between the new trees now. I would like to just copy a tree and paste it wherever I want. Is that possible in KT(copy, move and paste.)
Yes... The easiest way is using the instancing brush...
I recommend that you take a look at the Instancing tutorial ...@3dmodellers said:
I started using KT since last Wednesday. Kt gives great results and has great library of materials and models. bad for me that I am not able to navigate . A lot of my problems in KT are because I was used to the ease of sketchup.
Perhaps you're just aiming a little too high...
As a beginner you should check out as many of the tutorials available and learn the application step by step...
As the saying goes... Rome wasn't build in a day... -
@3dmodellers said:
I started using KT since last Wednesday. Kt gives great results and has great library of materials and models. bad for me that I am not able to navigate . A lot of my problems in KT are because I was used to the ease of sketchup.
Priority in KT where never in modelling tasks. Although it does have some manipulation features... they mostly meant for simple tasks, like adding some KK object to a approximated location. For accurate locating you will need a different strategy; proxies (for accurate model positioning via the modelling app) and instancing brush if you need to add plenty of copies of a object (you need to define areas in modelling app).
Thanks everybody. I was able to get some good outputs.
You need to project the textures to get proper UV mapping...
Yes, the SU2KT exporter will export all UV co-ordinates you assigned in SU. If these are missing, it is really hard to get materials properly mapped in KT (there are some basic UV mapping tools there but you can only map by material - which means everything with that material.)