Asgvis dead - VrayFSU Dead too?
I send 2 open letters to the chaos group and I am still waiting for the response, there is not support at all they only purpose to buy ASGVIS is terminate VRAYFSU. I am sad to see destroy all that Asgvis create most with all the users (beta testers) and the great feedback for people like Fernando Rentas.
Extremely sad I will move to another render engine, Any Ideas about some close to VRAY for Sketchup?
it seems to be dead for good
Cheer up people.
I agree this merger is taking a very long time. But from what I hear
the ASGVIS guys have nothing to do with the web site. They are hard at work
with Vray4Rhino. Then it will be back to work on Vray4SU.Keep the faith people.
Vray is far to good a programme to abandon
Mean while lets just use this forum to help each other
I'd encourage you lot to make use of the ChaosGroup forum. Despite how messy this merge has been handled. There's some really good and valuable information on that forum. Don't be afraid to look and use the 3ds Max and Maya sections. V-Ray is V-Ray, regardless of it's host application. The principles are the same, just a slight different UI.
The merger has been a bit messy. I have sent emails to support and they take about 4 times as long to get a response as they used to. I do not think it has anything to do with ASG though. They are just part if a bigger entity now and are handling not just VR for SU and Rhino, but now support and promote all of the Vray packages throughout the entire US. I bet they are a little overwhelmed and are experiencing some growing pains at the moment. I have full faith that things will be back, even better than before in no time.
It's getting better.
Last week I tried to download a demo of V-Ray at the office I'm working at now (new job) but I received no download link, nothing.
Today, I tried it again and was up and running in half an hour.
So, a rocky start but I think (and hope) everything will be fine going forward. -
I talk to the support and many users and almost 100-200 users are gone move either move to another render soft or waiting for the mess to be clean and organize. I have a few comments about news and development and there are promise but really we are last in terms of enhance the soft. Rhino, Maya and MAX are over sketchup. The lack of help and the policy of the company about free materials and video training kills almost 99% of users.
"the policy of the company about free materials and video training"
Could you please elaborate on this?
@kalu said:
I talk to the support and many users and almost 100-200 users are gone move either move to another render soft or waiting for the mess to be clean and organize. I have a few comments about news and development and there are promise but really we are last in terms of enhance the soft. Rhino, Maya and MAX are over sketchup. The lack of help and the policy of the company about free materials and video training kills almost 99% of users.
Im sure most people will return to the forums. As will the free materials and video tutorials. As far as I know, the old ASGVIS team are now called CHAOS GROUP USA. They will continue to develop Vray for Rhino and Vray for SU under the umbrella of CHAOS GROUP. We as Vray for SU users have been spoilt in resent times because all of the developments focus has been on us. Now they are matching the development of Vray for Rhino. Once they have done this, further development on both at the same time will be easier. (crude explanation)
So although the merger has disrupted our great ASGVIS forum community. It will be back and future development of Vray for SU should in theory quicken. Keep the faith, exciting times ahead.
Yea, but ChaosGroup really could have handled this better.
Trust me, if we stop developing our product, you'll know. It's not just going to fizzle out and die. The V-Ray for Rhino community felt abandoned the same way you do now, when we spent all of our development time on V-Ray for SketchUp. I constantly had to battle against them, because they would always say "the product is dead" or "the product isn't being developed anymore" or something along those lines. It's totally not the case. Guys... do you realize that there are 2 people in our office that actually develop this product? Me and Joe... that's it. We have one person doing support, Keith. He's been a bit swamped lately, because he gets 50-100 emails a day (it used to cap out at about 30 per day prior to the merger) that he has to respond to. A lot of the emails we get are pretty much like this thread. Users that are confused or concerned about the product's future. I'm sorry we haven't been more vocal. We it's difficult to have time to communicate with users and develop at the same time. Yesterday I ended up wasting a good hour or two on the forums, having this very same discussion on our forums. By the end of it, our whole office (me, Joe, Keith, Corey, Fernando, and Liz) was in an uproar... total waste of time. I should have just ignored the user on the forums entirely, and just spent my time developing.
I understand being concerned, and I understand if any users out there were or still are frustrated by the merger. What I don't understand, is if you do love the product, and love(d) the community... why would you work so hard to convince people that it's all over? There's no evidence of this at all... In fact... I have been adding proxy support for the past couple weeks, so not only are there updates heading over to SU in the future, but there are going to be big updates with some nice features added. We are currently working on getting some things ready for Siggraph next month, and we might actually get the tasks we wanted to finish, done in time, so we're pretty excited about that! In addition, there has been increased activity on the CG forums, and we now have a company blender that we can use to make delicious frappuccinos (caffine = energy to do more work). So I would say that things have done anything but calm down and die off.
There are some policies that need to be tweaked a bit on the Chaos Group website. We had a different business model than they did, so it's taking them time to adjust, and to add all of our content to their site. The forum software switched from smf to vbulletin, so migrating the forum was a royal pain, and yes there were some issues that occurred, but it certainly could have been worse. We could have been forced to start fresh, and lose all of the knowledge and helpful information that was on our forums prior to the migration. That would have been terrible. So I'm happy that we were able to salvage all of our old content. It's unfortunate that there were some user permission issues... but it happens. There are bugs sometimes, our beta testers should be very familiar with that concept by this point
We don't plan on going anywhere, this company is fantastic and this product is fantastic. Chaos Group wanted to acquire us because we were doing well, not because we were doing poorly. We have been getting pressure to step up our game and crank out more features in shorter time frames, and thanks to our new plugin core, this is completely possible. We look forward to a bright and shiny future, and can't wait to finish V-Ray for Rhino so we can start rolling out updates for both products on a regular basis. I hope the users that have been running around saying the sky is falling will come to their senses soon, these discussions are very frustrating sometimes.
Hey Devin!
Glad you took the time to post, I'm also glad to see the "I hate this forum" thread on CG meet its demise. Keep up the good work and enjoy those frappucinos!Andy
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
I look forward to the development of Vray for SketchUp. For now, the plugin is fantastic and I will keep chugging along. Thank you guys!
Thanks andybot and valerostudio
::sips frappucino:: mmmm... Okay, that's enough of this today, I wrote my huge chunk of text for the day, time to get back to programming!