Soapskin problem in SU8......
I assume you've got the current version of the plugin or you'd have an expiration notice. I haven't had any problems running SSB on SU8. In fact I tried it just now to make sure. It works as it is supposed to. Do you get any messages in the Ruby Console?
Hi Dave,
Yeah, the msg is above.....dont ask me what it means tho!! hahaha
I think it would be wise to go to the SSB sight and contact the author. Copy and paste that text from the console in your e-mail to him.
Thats a great idea, shuda thought of that myself...!!
@nicp289 said:
Every time I create an object, select it to form a skin, Soapskin asks me for the Net division I want, thats fine, it creates it, but then when I input the ratio SU tells me I must select a group that has been created with soapkin?? clearly its still selected (see capture).
i think you might be using the plugin wrong.. your screenshot shows the net division part of it but you still haven't executed the skinning.. from the point of your screenshot, you have to push <return> again and let the skin form.. then, with the soapskin group selected (as in, it will show a normal SU groups bounding box and not just blue highlights as shown in your screenshot), click on the X/Y icon to adjust the ratio.. or click on the bub icon to adjust the pressure.
Good catch, Jeff. That's what I get for answering questions before my first cup of coffee.
@dave r said:
Good catch, Jeff. That's what I get for answering questions before my first cup of coffee.
i'm 2 1/2 cups into the day already
It was a little after 5 am when I answered.
Coffee was still brewing.
Hey Pilou,
I have never come across this plugin....which is odd as I use the Ferrari Pre-contraint fabrics and I have been using the SSB for the conceptual designs for clients.
I've just downloaded it and its much better than SSB for what I want it to do.
Try Ferrari it's more friendly and better result and free!
That really sounds like a weird problem that you seem to have of not being able to work Soapskinbubble after reinstalling SU β never heard of this!! The problem seems to have been solved finally but I would like to try Ferrai which has been so highly spoken of β seems worth a try!!