I'm in need of a little help.....I've been using SU for a few years (since SU6, now on and had Soapskin for a long while. For a few reasons I had to uninstall and reinstall SU but now Soapskinbubble doesnt work at all, I've deleted it out of my file index, uninstalled SU 3 times then downloaded Soapskin each time but I have the same problem. Every time I create an object, select it to form a skin, Soapskin asks me for the Net division I want, thats fine, it creates it, but then when I input the ratio SU tells me I must select a group that has been created with soapkin?? clearly its still selected (see capture). After this I have a real problem with SU8 actually responding to commands and have to close the program and reopen it just to end up with the same problem.....arrrrrgh.....this is such a good tool and I really need to use it!!