How to mesure degrees please ?
I would like to make a room and I have a wall which is 49 degrees
but I dont find the tool for draw it (I only have mesure in cm)thanks
Use the Protractor Tool to make a Guide-Line through the start point of the edge at the required angle [type it in]; draw over it with your new Lines...
OR Draw a new Line and Select it - then use the Rotate Tool to rotate it by the required angle [type it in] - then continue drawing new Lines over/around it. Inferencing etc will align to it or perpendicular to it [=magenta]... -
Hi erzane,
select the line and click the right mouse button and choose erase or del on the Keyboard.
ok , thanks ; )
Guide lines can also be deleted with Edit>Delete Guides. I use guides frequently enough that I set up a keyboard shortcut to delete them.