Newbie's anxiety ---- simple question
I wanna use "bed" in "Components Sampler", get its attribute"LenZ" , than write it into a txt file.
How to write the codes?I watched a book named "Automatic Sketchup Creating 3D Models in Ruby",still do nothing
anyone help?Thanks -
Not all things have attributes.
LenZ is one that a Dynamic Component has.
I think that 'bed' isn't a DC ?
If you want the size of something use something like bb=entity.bounds
and then z=bb.depth
x id width and y is height for a bounding box...
If you explain what you wanted this for it might help.
Writing a value to a text file is not much use ?
The book you refer to has lots of help parts about all of this and more...
Don't run before you can walk... -
thanks a lot:)
my real obstacle is : I create a component in design mode, its name : cup.
when i write the code : bb=cup.bound , error coming:(bb=cup.bounds
Error: #<NameError: undefined local variable or method `cup' for main:Object>
(eval)Is my component"cup" not a entity?
I hope you can give me the fully code segment about how to use defined componet"cup".thanks a lot!!!!!
If you have definitely made a component called 'cup' [or even imported one into your SKP] then it should show up in the Component Browser > Model [small-house] icon...
You need to make a reference to the definition thus
model=Sketchup.active_model defs=model.definitions cup=defs["cup"]
IF there is component called 'cup' you now have a 'reference' called 'cup' that points to it.
If you type
you should get a reference to it.
bb=cup.bounds x=bb.depth
etc ...
If you have more questions [I'm sure you will!] post them in the Ruby forums - like the Developers' Section... -
It really done:)
thanks a lot .