What exactly is rendering? And how is it done?
How it's done? You're spoilt for choice really! There are plugins for SketchUp like Twilight, Podium, Render-In, Shader-Light......Or there are studios like Kerkythea, Thea..... Either method basically takes your instructions for assigning values to materials to create real world reactions to light.
Here is another link from the SketchUp Sage site with some rendering information:
This explains a number of rendering features, such as: Anti-aliasing, Bump Mapping, Depth of Field, Edge Highlighting, Fog, Glow, Morphing, Motion Blur, Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Radiosity, Reflection, Refraction, Shading, Shadows, Soft Shadows, Texture Mapping, Translucency, Transparency — sharp transmission of light through solid objects.
SketchUp model rendered in SketchUp using OpenGL - include lighting and shadows from the sun.
Same model rendered with an add-on rendering package. Demonstrates reflection, and shadows from lights.
Good explanation Al.