That was a breath of fresh air. Thanks Pete
Why the f___! did the International Code Council put both the International Building Code and the International Residential Code in identical binders?!
@solo said:
Finally, a real senator, a man elected by the people, for the people. Mr Sanders I salute you!!
And he is neither Republican nor a Democrat, he is independant and has the balls to stand up to both sides.
Good to see, but the fact remains,that the government from its inception, by the framers and Madison in particular, was always about "protecting the minority of the opulent against the majority"
Has the full text and the particular "quote" is 2/3 rds of the way down.Here is a snippet as it's somewhat hard to find
James Madison
"The man who is possessed of wealth, who lolls on his sofa, or rolls in his carriage, cannot judge of the wants or feelings of the day laborer. The government we mean to erect is intended to last for ages. The landed interest, at present, is prevalent; but in process of time, when we approximate to the states and kingdoms of Europe; when the number of landholders shall be comparatively small, through the various means of trade and manufactures, will not the landed interest be overbalanced in future elections, and unless wisely provided against, what will become of your government? In England, at this day, if elections were open to all classes of people, the property of the landed proprietors would be insecure. An agrarian law would soon take place. If these observations be jsut, our government ought to secure the permanent interests of the country against innovation. Landholders ought to have a share in the government, to support these invaluable interests, and to balance and check the other. They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority. The senate, therefore, ought to be this body; and to answer these purposes, they ought to have permanency and stability. Various have been the propositions; but my opinion is, the longer they continue in office, the better will these views be answered."Nothing has changed.... It was always thus. :O(
Video tutorials narrated by people with thick accents ... Aaaaargh! Yeah, that's you, ASGVS! Dmmit!
Time for yoga!
Whatever about accents, it's worse when you start to get guys playing bullshit bingo with buzzwords and acronymns
Talk about making an exciting product sound boring
I last 3:14mins then performed hari-kari
"playing bullshit bingo"
Well I am going to get a lawyer and hand out lawsuits to anyone resembling, attempting to resemble, use a likeness of in any format, or attempt to market any likeness or resemblance to a white 41 year old male.
Why is there no originality? I want my check! -
This one is funny and sad.
Dumbass, walking while texting trips and falls into fountain, now wants to sue the person that captured the video, the mall and the mall security company (for not warning she was heading for fall), and being America her lawyer actually thinks she can win.
Seeing as that video was made from the security cameras from the mall I think she has a case, at least in part. If it were a bystander with a flip video cam then, maybe not so much.
@solo said:
Finally, a real senator, a man elected by the people, for the people. Mr Sanders I salute you!!
And he is neither Republican nor a Democrat, he is independant and has the balls to stand up to both sides.
Oh, I didn't know you actually had politicians with common sense. (I wish we had a few more of them too, although our problems are of a totally different nature). I was a little bit surprised though: I never thought someone with those "socialist" ideas could ever be elected in the USA (I'm currently reading 'Democracy for the few' written by Michael Parenti => now that's what I call a rant
Dug this up: http://www.commondreams.org/views07/0302-21.htm
Now this TICKS me off....
Dude, that is horrific.
@solo said:
Now this TICKS me off....
Revolting, but she's obviously not right in the head.
I need to rant. Big time.
I've been spewing anti-mac propaganda for a couple of weeks now.
I've got a 24 inch imac and a 17 inch macbook pro. Both with Protection Plan.
My imac screen persistently steams up, I've had the whole unit replaced....but the new one still does it. Apple now refuse to replace the system and have offered to wipe the screen for me
this is the fourth time its happened. When I get it back from being cleaned, it will steam up within 2 weeks. The screen is just NOT sealed, its like crap double glazing. Apple keep saying its the climate where I live....it's Manchester, not the bloody Amazon! It will steam up at home or even at the office 15 miles away! Note, the 24 inch screen is now discontinued....they now only offer 21 or 27 inch.
My macbook pro screen failed and overheating has caused the aluminum case to buckle over a period of 6 months. Its a common design fault and even appears on apple's discussion board. The screen has been fixed but now the laptop is still bent.
The apple engineer claimed the case is not covered by the warranty as it's not hardware (well its not bloody software is it?!!).
Customer support then said the case IS covered by the warranty. They speak to the engineer to confirm the case must be replaced.
As requested, I receive an email from the engineer with photographs of my laptop. He now says I'm not covered for accidental damage as he's just noticed a dent in the corner where the warping occurs. What a coincidence....my laptop was immaculate when I sent it to be repaired....now it looks like its been whacked with a hammer! So now I've got a bent laptop with a dent in it!
What should I do?!
I can't believe apple treat customers like this. Over Β£3000 worth of equipment! I could have bought ten PCs for that!
Oli, sorry to hear about your experience, that is crazy! With an Apple warranty plan in place Apple is really saying to you that it's not covered
This is the kind of story that continues to support my personnel belief in the way I go about a computer. I have had the best of luck the last 10 years building my own PC's. I have built 5 PC's in that time and my XP's were very stable, then last summer I went to Windows 7, which was the best thing I have done. I can load it up with RAM (12gigs), i7, 64bit, GTX 470 and after up and running it ended up costing just under 2K.
I have owned, and still do, a titanium G4 which I liked but eventually was just to slow for me and so I shelved it years ago then 2 years ago I bought my wife an imac, I'm not much of a fan anymore. Apple does produce wonderfully aesthetic products but I have a hard time paying what they want for them. When I compare what I can get in a windows machine I end up liking the cost to quality & speed ratio with the windows machines. I also like the building the machine this way your machine does not come with a load of junk you don't need or want on your machine and you can install what you need and only what you need.
Thanks, my brother is an IT consultant so we're gonna build a beast I think. I have no idea how to do these things, he's on about building a server instead. It would be one third the price of a mac pro apparently.
A quad core imac with 8GB RAM is over Β£1800 lol
Another "senior" apple care representative spoke to me earlier. Basically treated me like a villain and said I had no proof that the laptop has been damaged at the repair centre or in transit.
So they want to send me the laptop back with a fresh dent in it! I'm not having it. I said no, keep it!!
@olishea said:
Another "senior" apple care representative spoke to me earlier. Basically treated me like a villain and said I had no proof that the laptop has been damaged at the repair centre or in transit.
So they want to send me the laptop back with a fresh dent in it! I'm not having it. I said no, keep it!!
That is unbelievable!!! You really said NO, just keep it"
funny but sad to have to reach that point.