Change model geometry to match new dimension
Hi all,
I am new to SketchUp and come from Solidworks and ProE.
Is there a way to have the geometry driven by a dimension other then paying 45$ for the dirvingdimensions plugin?
lets say I have a model of a bracket with a thickness of .5" and I realize that my material stock will be .437 inches. In Solidworks, to change the thickness of the model you just click the dimension, change it to .437, and it changes the model acordingly. It seems very silly to me that if I do that in Sketchup, it just turns the dimension to the arbitrary value entered with no impact on the model. I figured if you use push pull, you should be able to type in the new thickness, but the value typed in corresponds to the change in thickness not the overall thickness.
There has to be a convenient way to re-size a model to a specific new dimension, I just can't seem to figure out what it is.
any help appreciated.
It is funny to compare full blown parametric CAD with SketchUP! You can use dynamic components or FredoStretch in some cases, but don't expect to find the same way of work as You do in SolidWorks. SketchUp is just different.
@layne said:
....paying 45$ for the dirvingdimensions plugin? just turns the dimension to the arbitrary value entered with no impact on the model. I figured if you use push pull, you should be able to type in the new thickness, but the value typed in corresponds to the change in thickness not the overall thickness.There has to be a convenient way to re-size a model to a specific new dimension,..
Hi Layne,
In SU you can change the geometry to specific dimensions, associated dimension entities follow. Not the other way around. When changing the value in a dimension entity, it becomes plain text. (Replacing it by <> will restore the association to the real value again.) This plugin you mentioned may be the exception but isn't needed for what you are after.
Move, Push/Pull, Rotate and such do interpret input as linear/circular 'displacements' to existing geometry.
The scale tool interprets input value plus unit plus [Enter as total value of the bounding scaling box in chosen direction. This is the way to go for changing the thickness of your object in one go. Select a face side grip to start scaling, end-click and type thickness plus unit plus [Enter]]How to change geometry to exact dimensions depends entirely on what you want to change. Many different options. -
Select the 0.5" bracket and Scale it.
Pick the required axis-handle and start to move it...
then type in the required size with a units suffix - e.g. 0.437".
The bracket width should change to suit.
If you have made the bracket as a component then edit its contents and then all instances of it'll change at once...If you have 'lose geometry' you can still try Scale or alternatively use offset Guide-lines and PushPull to them etc...
There are many ways to do what you want without Plugins at all.....
Thanks for the replies. it looks like the scale tool is the way to go for my model, but for changing a more finite geometry without effecting the scale of other aspects of a component I could use push pull the surface > enter current value to set it back to zero thickness, and then pushpull it to the correct thickness.
After re reading my question I realize that my references to SW could be misinterpreted as a belittling of SU, but I did not mean it that way at all. Now that I am no longer in industry I had given up the thought of 3D modeling as cost prohibative, but SU has been a wonderful discovery. I am amazed at the level of power this program has and I know I am just scratching the surface.
I only include references to other programs so that other people who are familiar with both can better understand the outcome I am going for.
pulling to an offset line is also a good way to do it. thanks.
Hi folks.
In some cases, the Scale Tool will change the size of items that you dont want to change.
The Move Tool can be used to alleviate this problem.
See attached SU file for ideas.