A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Ok, first post so here it goes.
I have been using sketchup for a while now, (since sketchup 5)and I have made a lot of models and posted them on 3d warehouse. I'm joining this forum now because I would like to move to the next level of of modeling and also take advantage of some of the plugins exclusive to this site.
First question... I downloaded this plugin called [bs]Make Faces v1.2[/b] I have an idea of what it does but I'm having trouble implementing it on other then 2d lines. Is it possible to use this plugin on 3D lines ? If not is there a plugin that does what Make Faces does only in 3D.
@riveteer said:
Ok, first post so here it goes.
I have been using Sketchup for a while now, (since Sketchup 5)and I have made a lot of models and posted them on 3d-warehouse. I'm joining this forum now because I would like to move to the next level of of modeling and also take advantage of some of the plugins exclusive to this site.
First question... I downloaded this plugin called Make Faces v1.2 I have an idea of what it does but I'm having trouble implementing it on other then 2d lines. Is it possible to use this plugin on 3D lines ? If not is there a plugin that does what Make Faces does only in 3D.'Make Faces' only works if the selected edge had connected edges that are coplanar and could therefore make a face.
If you have '3D' lines you need additional edges between vertices to make triangular shapes which could take a face - in fact the act of drawing them in will usually result in Sketchup adding the face for you if it can.
To add faces in a 'mesh' linking 3D lines you could find and try Fredo's 'CurviLoft' script that's in beta, or my set of scripts zipped as the 'Extrusion Tools' - there are several tools but 'ExtrudeEdgesByRails.rb' would probably do what you want - just make 2, 3 or 4 curves from the edges [use 'weld.rb' for this] and use them as profiles/rails and they will get a mesh applied... -
I get what make faces does now thanks Tig. I have also been manually drawing those triangles to make curved faces for a while now. I recently watched a speed modeling video on youtube and I swear, I saw the guy select some lines (that connected) and just push a button, and it made a meshed face.
I've decided to finally stop lurking and join in. I've met a few members around the web at different places, like SFM & Deviant Art, so hello to them and everyone else as well.
I've been using Sketchup for almost a year now....wow, has it really been that long. I guess it has. Man, time flies when you're modeling.
Anyway, I wanted to learn 3d (cheaply) for a an original universe sci-fi project I'm working on and I've been really impressed by some of the results I've seen with Sketchup so I decided to jump in with both feet. I was really surprised by how easy it was to pick up, however with that being said, I realize I still have much to learn. I really enjoy it though so it's all good.
I'll be posting some work in the gallery shortly. See you around the forum.
Lookin' forward to seeing some of your stuff Jimi!
Iβm a newbie and I 'm not a native english speaker.Just love designd and sketchup,i'm here.Thank you.
Hi Tony and welcome. I am not a native English speaker myself and - well, I also (and still) rememberbeing a newbie.
He may not be a native English speaker, but Csaba can snore in many languages very fluently.
Indeed. And you have not even heard me after I eat beans!
Stereo? with aroma?
Hi to you all, intereior designer by trade. Im relatively new to sketchup. I am used to using Solidworks. In that, you can create a plane to sketch on using a plane tool. Is there anything in sketchup that would do that ie a plugin. I find it awkward sketching to draw. This would help immensely. Thanks for listening and big thumbs up if you reply with a viable solution.
Hi Colin and welcome!
In SU, you do not (necessarily) need a plane to sketch on. If you are drawing looking down (top view), SU will automatically draw your 2d sketches on the red/green plane.
However you can always draw a big enough rectangle and sketch on that if it feels more comfortable that way.
just checking -
ive been using su for a total of about 45 minutes now
(but i managed to get some images out for a presentation)
actually i learned 3d on alias wavefront back when dinosaurs roamed the earth but it was so cumbersome and pricey that i bailed before i ever became proficient at it. my background is in custom metal work and ive run into a plethora of issues right off the bat but its very promising overall, just need to take the time to learn (or unlearn) and get a rhythm going to the work flow.
i currently have 2d dxf to G code to a cnc cutter then on the brake presses and such to bend it all up -
what im missing is the ability to sketch up concepts, narrow them down, and then plug them into my current process. i noticed a "folding" plug in - not sure if it applies, material thickness is a big factor in steel.
anyways, thanks in advance
Hi inkster and welcome. If you work with metal, maybe you will find some of these plugins useful:
http://www.drawmetal.com/ -
@gaieus said:
Hi inkster and welcome. If you work with metal, maybe you will find some of these plugins useful:
http://www.drawmetal.com/thanks for the link
Hello to everyone !
My 'name' is Gaius .. I'm from Serbia ... from 'shity little mountain town'(like in South Park
) called Sokobanja. I'm a huge fan of SU ...
I used to draw my town and I manage to finish about of 50% of it. It was a job for about a year and a half. Now I have some issues I got to work on, but when I finish all, I will present to you, so you can tell me is it any good, and I need come critics about it so I can make it better.I hope we will manage to help each other! That's it for now ...
Stay safe!
Greetz from Serbia
Hi Gaius, Gaieus here.
Hi my name is Andrew.
I am a trim carpenter out of Indiana, I am somewhat new to sketchup.
I usually will draw a sketch of a project by hand for clients, but I would like to use sketchup more so I can play with more ideas without having to erase and re draw. Anyway, I am kind of stuck on one of my sketchup drawings for a wine cellar that I have to build. I don't really know how to use this forum completely but if any one would like to help, I don't know how to put a picture of what I am doing in sketchup to show what I need help with. Any help would be really great.
Thank you and I look forward to using this forum more often.- Andrew VanderMolen
Hi Andrew and welcome!
Below the text area where you type your forum post, there is an "Upload attachment" tab (if you scroll down a bit maybe). There you can attach images but sometimes the real skp file is the best.
Hello, my name is Malcolm Paul and this is a little project i have done for class