Unzipping archive from Ruby (Mac and Windows)
It would not be part of the URL - as that would be a GET.
The HTML source for the login:
<form method="post" action="./ucp.php?mode=login" class="headerspace" style="border;dashed 2px #ca0016;margin;auto auto 10px auto;padding;0 10px 10px 10px;width;97%;"> <p style="font-weight;bold;margin;11px 0 0 0;float;right;padding;3px 5px;"><img src="http://sketchucation.com/forums/styles/prosilver/imageset/help.gif" height="22" width="23" alt="" style="margin-right;5px;" /><a href="http://www.sketchucation.com/scf-contact-page2/" style="font-size;1.1em;">Problems with registering / logging in?</a></p> <h3><a href="./ucp.php?mode=login">Login</a> • <a href="./ucp.php?mode=register">Register</a></h3> <fieldset class="quick-login"> <label for="username">Username;</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" size="10" class="inputbox" title="Username" /> <label for="password">Password;</label> <input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="10" class="inputbox" title="Password" /> | <label for="autologin">Log me on automatically each visit <input type="checkbox" name="autologin" id="autologin" /></label> <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="button2" /> </fieldset> </form>
The important stuff here is:
<form method="post" action="./ucp.php?mode=login"<input type="text" name="username" id="username" size="10" class="inputbox" title="Username" />
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="10" class="inputbox" title="Password" />
<input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="button2" />This means the POST request must be made to http ://forums.sketchucation.com/ucp.php?mode=login
and you need to set the arguments, "username", "password" and quite possible "login" (login as very often the website software checks the value of the submit button to detect if a form has been used - but that depends on the software) -
The form fieldnames on the SCF login page are:
passwordBut there is also a "sid" (security ID) involved. The Admins may not want spambots being able to auto login. Ask Coen.
@dan rathbun said:
What URL do you see if you hover over the SCF Login link.
(I have autologin set in my SCF cookie so I never go thru the login.)HTML forms' submit buttons doesn't display the target URL info. One has to look at the source code.
@thomthom said:
One has to look at the source code.
I know (and I did,) it was a hint. But you cut and pasted the code before I could.
Fredo6: what do you want to do with SCF download ? maybe we can create a backend that suits your needs better thank going through forum software
@unknownuser said:
Fredo6: what do you want to do with SCF download ? maybe we can create a backend that suits your needs better thank going through forum software
I am investiogating 2 things:
1) Scan the SCF page where a plugin is.
That's sorted out with WebDialog and this will allow to check the current version and date of the plugin. This of course requires some strict syntax convention, for instance in the title, so that it is easy and discriminant to parse the info.
At least, this will tell whether the plugin is up to date or not2) Download the file (zip or rb) to the local disk in the right place.
I assume that with some syntax convention, it will be possible to locate the URL address of the file.
For this however, this requires that the user is logged in to SCF (as ThomThom judiciously noticed).
Then, if the file URL is obtained, I can:- either invoke the download dialog box via WebDialog
- or find out another way to download it
Not sure there is an easy way
I was WRONG about the Mac unzipping as folder.
But I found out that there is an embedded unzip command, which can be invoked via the Ruby system call system.
see main post for detailsI have no clue if this is present on all Macs.
PS: just taking the opportunity that I have a Mac at hand to make a few tests about this question of plugin installation, as I usually prefer to release scripts for both environments and users.
@unknownuser said:
I was WRONG about the Mac unzipping as folder.
But I found out that there is an embedded unzip command, which can be invoked via the Ruby system call system.
see main post for detailsI have no clue if this is present on all Macs.
yeah, osx has it's own compressor/expander called Archive Utility.app (located at HD/System/Library/Core Services) which is on all macs (unless for some odd reason, someone decides to delete it).. osx also comes with ruby.
i'd assume that if you can get it working on one mac then it will work on all..
one thing that may cause problems is if the user has changed the default expander to something other than Archive Utility (say Stuffit Expander for instance).. i don't think it would matter but then again, i don't really know.
@unknownuser said:
Fredo6: what do you want to do with SCF download ? maybe we can create a backend that suits your needs better thank going through forum software
I wonder - is there many out there at the moment looking at some download/update management system? I've been sketching down ideas for something like this.
Maybe we could brainstorm something together instead of working in solitude on this? -
@thomthom said:
Maybe we could brainstorm something together instead of working in solitude on this?
sure. some public read/invite write access mindmap would be nice. do you know something that we can use for the brainstorm part ?
No - I've never used such tools. Would be good to find one.
All I have at the moment are some text document and yellow stickers-notes. -
What about anonymous FTP download ?
Would the user need to manually specify the save path ?
What sort of license applies to unzip.exe? I cannot find it anywhere and I'd like to use it for my next plugin.
you can use rubyzip gem...
dan did an autoloader outline a couple of posts back...
[anchor= goto=http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=59990&start=30#p548017:3q0rxtjb]should be here[/anchor:3q0rxtjb]
john -
@eneroth3 said:
What sort of license applies to unzip.exe? I cannot find it anywhere and I'd like to use it for my next plugin.
Unless you need support for SketchUp older than SU2014 I'd go with the zip gem that john mentions.
Thanks! The gem rubyzip gem does exactly what I wanted
However I don't know what's the best practice to use a gem. Should I ask the user to install it or should I check if it exists when the plugin loads and otherwise install it? Should I in that case use statusbar texts to tell the user the gem is being installed and that it may take some time?
It only instals into Sketchup gems, so if they want your plugin they will need it...
If it not already installed:
I guess you could ask if they want the download or to use 'your' supplied copy, but you would need to keep 'yours' up to date as other plugins use it already...it's very fast to load, did you try?
Definitely mention it in your documentation...
There are 'built-in' zip and unzip methods in Ruby2 - using 'zlib', with no gems.
See my ZipUp Plugin which uses its own shipped rubies to make things easier [Rubyzip].
Mine also uses some js and system zipping [MAC is easy, but on WIN is convoluted] when it's older SketchUp versions, < Ruby2...
It's in an RBS, but suffice it to say that it uses the additional zip.rb loaded commands to make the Ruby2 'zlib' code much less cumbersome to use... -
It took me 69,12 seconds to install the gem :S . I think I have a quite good Internet connection, at least a decent one, but it might be my dying hard drive.
I still suppose it's better to download the most current version than rely on something I pack with the plugin. If I pack it with my files I suppose it has to be in my own namespace to avoid collisions if another plugin requires a newer version.
Perhaps there should be a web dialog telling the user the gem is being installed so they know Sketchup hasn't just frozen.
it really depends on what your zipping/unzipping...
for mac the system zip and unzip are the cleanest and fastest...
I use it on .skm's and .layout's mainly.
for .rbz I useSketchup.install_from_archive
and let SU move the files...