[VOTE] SCF COMPETITION - Design Ideal Work Desk / Station
Hi all,
It is time to vote on the "SCF COMPETITION - Design Your Ideal Work Desk / Station!". Please, cast your votes above!
Let me know, please, if I have left anyone / any entries out. The media throughh which they were posted is very diverse (to say the least)
Poll ends on Sunday midnight.
Richard (3 images):
Phil2009 (exported by me):
and the skippy.
tfdesign Image:
and the skippy plus a pdf document made in LayOut:
joppermann (4 images):
and the skp file.
I wanted to vote for The Sketch-U-Table in a big way due to it's use of materials. I certainly will build one of these. It's a great design. However, the wiggles entry is much more what I had in mind when I think of 'Ideal' station. I think it's as visually as appealing as it seems useful. This took me a while to make a final decision. There are some great concepts here.
Nice work everyone.
Thanks for the kind words Michael
I made this table specifically for the competition- it took me about 5 attempts to get the design right. Most average-sized people take it for granted because all goods have been designed to fit between a 5% and 95% percentile bell curve- mainly for production costs, and what manufacturers argue as 'sustainability'.
This has got less to do with 'saving the planet' but more to do with using the minimum amount of materials for the maximum profitability. It's unfair, because if you are tall, well, tough. You suffer. I'm tall and also have very large feet to boot! Try getting nice looking shoes in a size 15! You end up looking like a special needs case (insert "Bart Simpson becomes a nerd" joke here!).
So this table is dedicated to all those you tall brothers and sisters out there (normal people fit too of course). Finally you don't have to spend over $1000 to buy a decent table. I'll upload the plans to the 3D Warehouse soon as well.
You could probably also, with careful thought get two tables out of it too. I'm uploading an exploded version skippy, to help out all those who want to build one.
Rich, you deserved to win. Your table and presentation were spot on
Mike, guys, have you seen this?
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Sorry for the delay in sorting out the prizes. I will move on this straight away. ALL OF YOU please email me your Name and Address. I will send Special Edition Baseball Caps to all and put Richard, Wiggles1a and Tom in touch with Sculpteo so they can make arrangements for their 3D Prints.
How's it going Mike? I haven't heard anything yet.