Falling in a suit
Does someone want to fall from a cliff with a style?
YouTube - Jeb Corliss wing-suit demo
by jebcorliss[flash=480,385:39944ul3]http://www.youtube.com/v/7bJmVJZbmIk[/flash:39944ul3]
Amazing - he is one crazy guy - but Im jealous - what a feeling that must be to fly so close to the ground at that speed. Awesome.
but it reminds me of the joke... "I didn't realize I had diarrhea until I took my bicycle-clips off..."
i hung out with jeb for a week at the grand canyon when he was the host for a discovery channel show called stunt junkies [and a few months after i met him, he was kicked off the show for an attempted empire state building base jump]
i was hired to build the ramp for this episode:
http://www.broadbandsports.com/node/4326&gvsm=1(and actually, i made a little extra cash with this photo for outside magazine)
http://outsideonline.com/outside/features/bob-burnquist-skateboard-jump.htmlanyway, i saw the wingsuit in action first hand when jeb shot the canyon.. this was 4 years ago and it looks like he's improved the suit some as before he'd get around 2 miles laterally max.. he was saying the ultimate goal was to use the suit to land without a parachute but i guess he still hasn't done it.. regardless, the guy is nuts and it's an amazing video you posted tomas (well, except for the music