Help an idiot
I am a complete noob at SketchUp and was wondering how I would go about creating a certain model. The first picture is an image of the type of buildings I am trying to make. I do not need the textures, just the basic shape. The second image is the same idea, just a more basic shape. If you could just help me with the basic one, I could probably figure out the other ones on my own. I have not purchased subdivide and smooth. Is it possible to create this with no plugins or using only free ones? I have tried to make this using circle, push-pull, and scale but I failed and I also tried using auto-fold but failed again. Would anyone mind helping my stupidity by telling me how I would go about creating this?
Thanks in advance.
Hi John,
I would start with a simple, hemispherical dome and scale it along the blue axis:
Now using such a shape as a "primitive", scaling further (uniformly) and stacking them together should give you some acceptable results.
That was embarrassingly simple.
Thanks a bunch. I'll try it out.
Nothing is "embarrassingly" simple until one shows it.
You probably know about the Egg of Columbus (although the story is older and previously already mentioned in connection with Brunelleschi some 70-80 years before so even Columbus learnt it from somewhere (but he was Italian after all)
Beauty of the simplicity
@gaieus said:
Nothing is "embarrassingly" simple until one shows it.
You probably know about the Egg of Columbus (although the story is older and previously already mentioned in connection with Brunelleschi some 70-80 years before so even Columbus learnt it from somewhere (but he was Italian after all)K.I.S.S.
As an aside... The even better way to 'balance the egg' WITHOUT breaking it is to make a small pile of salt on the table.
Balance the egg in the salt so that its bottom touches the table but it is supported vertically.
Now gently blow away all of the salt.
A few grains will remain below the egg and support it upright.
On visual inspection the egg is now standing on its end on the table - the few grains of salt are effectively invisible... -
@tig said:
As an aside... The even better way to 'balance the egg' WITHOUT breaking it is to make a small pile of salt on the table.
Balance the egg in the salt so that its bottom touches the table but it is supported vertically.
...Even simpler
, make the egg a "glue to" component.
I bet even Columbus couldn't come up with that solution -
That is simple!!! And simply Beautiful.