SnapConnector Preview
@susy said:
If you want to attack me or insult me
No-one insulted you. The response here has been that people disagree with your statement.Your claim that Sketchucation has lost the love of free software - that is an insult to all the authors here that write free plugins.
@susy said:
I speak of SketchUcation in the recent weeks.
You claim there's been a great increase in non-free plugins?
You feel there is less free plugins?
You find it hard to get free plugins?I just dont' understand how you can justify your claim.
@susy said:
I'm not a programmer, ........... I just wanted to express what I feel.........
There are other ways to contribute besides programing.
@susy said:
SketchUcation has lost the love by the Free Software ...
I feel sad
the number of posts in your profile shows you do not know what you are talking about. it is more than fair that people who have offered dozens of free plugins create a paid-for one once in a while.
Back on topic... Jim- I think it's a great idea
I messed around with something similar but it fell by the wayside...
Mine added a tiny component [called SNAP and having one line <0.1mm long] at a desired point picked on a group etc.
The SNAP and group have the same attribute [] and the SNAP has attributes locating it on that group so they can always find each other and move together... using an observer the SNAP is always 'attached' to the group [like 'glue' but stronger]... You move one, you move the other.
You could pick a SNAP and relocate it using a context-menu editor.
You can then add a SNAP to a second group.
You can then 'snap' the two SNAPs together using a tool and these also get their paired attributes [] - another observer spots if one SNAP moves and moves the other paired one to match - of course dragging its attached group with it in the process.
One pair of SNAPs on a pair of objects connects those two objects by a point [i.e. the objects are joined at just one point and they can rotate about that point in any direction], adding two pairs of SNAPs connects the objects along a 'line' [i.e. the objects are now 'hinged' about that line], adding three pairs of SNAPs connects the objects rigidly together [with no articulation possible].
This type of idea has many applications - from animation to pipe/ductwork-connections to auto-fixing 'flat-pack-furniture' together faultlessly...
I look forward to your ideas........... -
@jim said:
SnapConnector is a Tool to help position and align difficult to place Components and Groups.
Missing image?
Not missing for me; it's hosted on Google Sites. Maybe it is blocked for some people. I will upload it, I guess.
jim excellent idea,
perhaps, serve the development of this plugins. you see the functioning of 3skeng.
It was missing for me too. thanks for ading it!
Would it be able to define guide axis - orientation in which connectors connect to each other?
@chris fullmer said:
Or better yet, join the free plug-in writing task force. It is free to join
Quote of all quotes, Chris.....
A well deserved thank-you to all you writers out there. I download the ones I need; free or fee.