Model appears "cut"
Hi folks.
For some reason my model appears "cut" like it would be by a section plane. Trouble is, there is no section plane...
Besides, the "cutting plane" seems to be "static" as I turn the model around, giving a different section at each angle.
Would you have any idea what could cause such a behaviour ?
Thanks in advance for you hints.NZ
it happens only when "parallel projection" is checked, just hit "ctl+shift+E" (zoom extend)
It's the well known 'clipping issue' [ ]
Looks as if the model is quite near the origin but do you have any geometry inside a group or component that is far away ? This can throw OpenGL / SUp !
Check you haven't changed the model's axes and if so 'reset' them and recheck.
The model's geometry should be relatively close to the models origin to avoid 'clipping'.
Check that the geometry is modeled 'real size'.
Also have you purged and 'fixed' the using Model Info > Statistics ?
A typical cause of this clipping problem is an imported CAD dwg that has something far away. If you think it is this, then edit the component and simply select all of its entities with Edit>Select_All, now use Select by fence on the geometry you want to keep [typically what you see near the rest of the model], but whilst HOLDING DOWN THE Shift+Ctrl keys to remove those items from the selection. Now only anything far away is still selected - so hit the Delete key - the component's bounds should now contract into the geometry that is left.
Another possible cause is a component with its origin [axes] far away from the geometry that it displays near to the model's origin [again often from a CAD import] - in that case switch you Model Info options to 'show component axes' and see if any are in weird axes placements. If you hover over a component instance the right-click context-menu should have a 'change axes' option - then pick a new logical point and axes directions...
It is usually fixable... -
Thank you for your answers
Shift+Ctrl+E fixed it indeed. I was not aware of this clipping issue.
My Model is centered at the origin ; I have some other object at some distance away from the origin, but not so far (about the main object size). I did not import from another CAD system.
Purging/fixing the model did not improve the situation.
Component axes are fairly normal, except for 90° rotation. Z-axis is aligned with the main Z.I found out that clipping was coming back when using a Scene where the camera was positionned inside the model (close to the origin).
I guess that is the primary reason ?