[Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
Someone is advertising for you, Fredo!
@barack said:
It is 'free' - but like many of us 'scripters' donations are accepted by Fredo - no matter how small they are - then at least it's a recognition of the efforts involved in making these tools for you - a euro/dollar or two/ten wouldn't hurt...
So comical
[flash=480,385:1r6pod0m]http://www.youtube.com/v/tixFgx-Uv3I&hl[/flash:1r6pod0m] -
Hi everybody, specially Fredo!
I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I think I found a bug in FredoScale and would like to report it. Here are the steps to reproduce it:- I've drawn 2 boxes. Each is an individual component. The one in the right has the top texture set to 'projected', the left one does not.
- Using planar shearing, I 'shear-ed' both along the blue axis, by the same amount.
- I opened the right component for editing. Just opened, did not even click on a single surface. Texture placement gets messed up.
- After closing the component it's easier to spot the difference between both textures:
- Even after undo'ing the operation, textures are still incorrect:
The same effect happens if the boxes are not components, but with slightly different characteristics: if each box is sheared individually, only the one with the projected textures is 'damaged'. But if both are selected at the same time and the shearing is done to the whole lot, both end up correct, even though textures are set to projected in only one.
I first noticed this effect in a model I am working on, but the problem seems more serious there. After opening the component textures are messed up, and show in different ways if a component is open or closed:
In this case I can't even repair the problem manually. I do have a hidden rectangle with the whole texture, from which I can pick the texture and paint the new created geometry, but the textures never show up correctly, it does not matter if set to projected or not. I wish I had made at least a daily backup...
Can you post the skp file with the two boxes and texture.
Planar shearing is an atypical transformation, because it seems that SU also shears the reference axes of the component and groups. I don't know why, but this is what SU does. And this may be the reason why the textures cannot be projected correctly.
Anyway, I can try to find a way to overcome this
PS: For recovering your initial model, did you try to use the autosave version.
Thanks for the quick reply, Fredo!
That model I used for the screenshot I no longer have, it was just something I put together quickly to illustrate. I just made another one, hopefully more explaining.
As for my model, never mind it. I use a program for online backup and sync'ing across computers and it turns out it stores previous versions of files as well.Attached to this post goes a SKP file. It shows a similar operation performed on a pair of boxes, the one on the right having projected textures. Along the green axis different techniques with and without FredoScale are used, and the differences are shown.
@rafaelds said:
Thanks for the quick reply, Fredo!
That model I used for the screenshot I no longer have, it was just something I put together quickly to illustrate. I just made another one, hopefully more explaining.
As for my model, never mind it. I use a program for online backup and sync'ing across computers and it turns out it stores previous versions of files as well.Attached to this post goes a SKP file. It shows a similar operation performed on a pair of boxes, the one on the right having projected textures. Along the green axis different techniques with and without FredoScale are used, and the differences are shown.
I had a look at the file, and it seems that it is related to the sharing of the component axes. You can of course remodify the axes so that they are orthogonal, but this does not restore the expected projected texture (however, subsequence projections are OK).
So, I may have no way to fix that, and it may be advised to first deform, and then apply textures.Fredo
Thanks, Fredo.
I am working around this "issue" by unsetting the 'projected' flag from the appropriate faces prior to shearing with FredoScale. As can be seen in the SKP file I uploaded, FredoScale by itself does what I expected and projecting was unnecessary. -
Hi, Fredo:
I don't know if anyone has asked this about the suite of tools in Fredoscale, but here goes. (of course this ability may already be available)
Have you considered modifying your temporary lattice cage to address the pre-existing mesh for bending and tapering? By this I mean make it optional to use a replication of the existing model as the temporary deformation lattice?
Just a thought.
Best Regards,
mitcorb -
I upgraded my OS to WINDOWS 7 ultimate 64 and now I have constant crash each time I try to use FREDOSCALE.
Am I the only one on earth?
Best regards to all Sketchup users. -
@baldaman said:
I upgraded my OS to WINDOWS 7 ultimate 64 and now I have constant crash each time I try to use FREDOSCALE.
Am I the only one on earth?
Best regards to all Sketchup users.Sorry for late answer. I was out of the SU world for some days.
Do you get the crash:- when you click on the icon
- when you try to make a deformation (and all of them or some of them)
- whether you have a preselction or no preselection. In the latter case, can you pass the step of selecting by mouse-over?
I run FredoScale on Vista 64 bits with no problem. I doubt this is related to the OS, but maybe to the re-installation of the plugin (or some other conflicting) after you upgraded the OS.
hey Fredo... I'm beside myself... I've managed to break 3 of your plugins.
FredoScale 2.0i
GhostComp 1.0
ToolsOnSurface_1.6cthey show up in the preferences but the toolbars do not show up and the commands under Fredo on the Tools menu do not open or even list.
any idea what I've done? I have LIBFREDO6_Dir_35 installed... am I missing anything else?
Just in case, as at least the plugins are present in the Preferences dialog box, is their checkmark on?
yes they are checkmarked... I may be slow... but I'm not that slow
@krisidious said:
yes they are checkmarked... I may be slow... but I'm not that slow
do you see a menu LibFredo6 Settings in the Windows menu
If so, can you open the Ruby console, type
load "ZLoader__FredoScale.rb"
and tell me if you see some messages -
By the way, do you you some other of my plugins working fine (Like RoundCorner or Curviloft)?
@unknownuser said:
@krisidious said:
yes they are checkmarked... I may be slow... but I'm not that slow
do you see a menu LibFredo6 Settings in the Windows menu
If so, can you open the Ruby console, type
load "ZLoader__FredoScale.rb"
and tell me if you see some messages -
By the way, do you you some other of my plugins working fine (Like RoundCorner or Curviloft)?
load "ZLoader__FredoScale.rb
Error: #<SyntaxError: (eval):894: compile error
(eval):894: unterminated string meets end of file>
(eval):894the settings menu item is there... but the drop down menu that should come up from it does not appear.
I do have a few of your other plugins such as curviloft and round corner.
This is very weird.
There must be a faulty file somewhere.-
Did you try to download the Zip from Sketchucation and install again the scripts?
Can you try the same manual loading with Ghostcomp and TOS from the Ruby console and see if you get a similar message
Also, just in case, could you remove the file FredoScale.def from the DEFPARAM_dir folder.
load "ZLoader__FredoScale.rb"
(eval):1: warning: already initialized constant MYPLUGIN
load "ZLoader__Curviloft.rb"
(eval):1: warning: already initialized constant MYPLUGIN
load "ZLoader__GhostComp.rb"
(eval):1: warning: already initialized constant MYPLUGIN
load "ZLoader__OnSurface.rb"
(eval):1: warning: already initialized constant MYPLUGIN
truethere is nothing in my DEFPARAM_Dir folder...
well I gave up on trying to fix it... I deleted my plugins folder and started installing all plugins from scratch. now I have all my paid plugins, my most essential plugins like Thomthom, Fredo and Tig and all my toolbars. so I'm happy... I'm missing a lot of small simple plugins and individual rubies, but I'll just add them as I miss them.
so I have no idea what my error was... I saved the plugins folder that was erroring, so if anyone has any ideas I can check it still.
Hi Fredo.
I make a query.
would be added to your tool to scale a similar function to the image but for 3D objects'?
scalar or reference to three points
really would be helpful