3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
Hi , I would love to attend the 3D Base Camp. what do I need to register? some one to nominate me?
I can't believe I only found out about this yesterday! I'm really hoping to go this year. Apparently, I am being nominated but I'm not sure what happens next. Hopefully, everything will work out and I can meet up with the lot of you. Can't wait!
Hey Dale, long time no post.
I too nominated you, using your @shaw address (hope that's a current email)
Would be great to see you at basecamp, maybe even get a peek at SDS2.
Hi Bossy Rossy, indeed long time no see! Hope to meet you again although the Pacific is a bit further now.
Dale; also hope your nomination still makes it in time!
Great to see that pic again Csaba! Looks like you peed your pants. Mike was having a bad hair day.
You can't go to the pacific this time, but short drive to the continental divide.
@ross macintosh said:
Great to see that pic again Csaba! Looks like you peed your pants. Mike was having a bad hair day.
I was lucky to have any hair left after the trip getting to the ocean seated in the back of that convertible
Well, since the deadline has come and gone and my emailed invite hasn't arrived, I guess I got the bump for this basecamp. I really would have liked to have met some of the forum folks face to face.
I'm hoping those of you who go will keep us updated as the session go on.
Have fun.
0h.... and is an "Unconference" a party that breaks up for some meetings now and then? -
Don't give up hope yet Dale. When I got my invite I had until today to submit 10 more nominees. I believe they are still compiling the list.
Good to know, I had just re-read the blurb on the camp and it said something about notification on the 14th. I'll keep the faith.
Interesting. Mine gave me until the 13th.
I got till the 15th:
@unknownuser said:
Nominate your ten invitees by filling out this form before July 15, 2010. You can do this even if youβre not coming yourself.
Do you know of any corrupt Google staff that accept bribes?
Just go anyway
. What are they going to do? make a scene and upset all of your friends, colleagues and worse alienate a faithful user/advocate...
Maybe you'll have to miss the 'free' lunch ! But if you've seen the film "Up in the air" you'll know how easy it is to crash an event like this - wait for a queue to form at registration - then simply walk in confidently and pick up any free name tag, saying "That's me"... You are then in for the duration - the guy whose name tag is missing [if he turns up] just jumps up and down and they'll make him a new one...
Anarchy rules ! Rage against the machine. ( sigh.... if only I wasn't an old guy with that polite Canadian genetic flaw)
TIG - you're forgetting that Google knows everything about everybody and they know who you are even before you enter their building. Apparently they also have lasers in space that can vaporize anyone they don't like.
@unknownuser said:
Apparently they also have lasers in space that can vaporize anyone they don't like.
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have immunity.
Just don't steal MY nametag...Dale!! I wanna come too!