The bridge borders tool
I am know to SketchUp and I had this idea and or question for a bridge borders tool.
Can SketchUp merge vertices and bridge gaps or is there a plug-in for that I seen a video that demonstrate this on the web but cannot find that video the second time. You just select the border all the way around two objects and then click bridge. This is rill good for air plane model sections like wing ribs. All you have to do is line it up on the blue print and bridge the gaps in between the ribs than you have a complete wing. The SketchUp manual is 887 pages so maybe there is something mentioned about this and I have not seen any plug-ins for the idea.
If any one has heard of this please let me now thank you. -
You have a few options for this...
Here's Architectboy's Skin Plugin Ver 2.2
Chris Fullmer's Simple Loft Plugin
TIG's Extrude Toolset has a lofting tool
Hope this helps?
Thank you for the information on the plug-ins I’m going do some experimenting with the skin plug-in that sound like what I am thinking about, for that is what you are doing is putting skin between ribs or fuselage sections getting the shape right, especially if the size is changing like the hull of a submarine.
With all these plug-ins that are being written how much room is there for SketchUp, what can you as a plug-in writer do and not do, it seems that the limit is based on our imagination and of course what the computer will let you get away with. -
@mocom said: seems that the limit is based on our imaginationand of course what the computerwill let you get away with.