Unable to apply material
Not on Windows (in SU - I do not know about Vray but we have a dedicated subforum for that under the Extensions... Forum). The Mac has an option to export with alpha transparency. However you can export your image with some really weird colour background (say some stupid magenta) and change that colour to alpha in PS.
If you had SU Pro, you could export a png with transparent background from LayOut. Your profile does not say if 7 is pro or free.
@diesellam said:
Is there a way in Sketchup or in the Vray plugin, that you can make the background as an alpha channel? I want to load the alpha channel easily in Photoshop to change to a sky image or gradient blue.
Got to the VFB section and enable the Alpha channel.
Note that if you enable the VFB channel and save in the PNG format the background becomes transparent in the Diffuse output as well. If you don't want this then save the output using some other format.
Thanks for the reply. I'll give it a try right now.
I tried your method: delete Sang and purge everything, then delete the jean blue material. After that, only certain elements can be applied, but most of the other element can't.
What's the reason of it?
See attached file, thanks.
You still have a material 'White' that is applied to some faces inside groups etc - Delete that as well so everything is 'Default' = NO material then retry applying new materials to groups/instances etc.
Faces take any new material you give them as do the faces with groups/instances that have no material BUT if a face inside them has a material it will not change unless you manually edit the group down to the level of the face and change it's material there - the trick of deleting the material so it defaults to 'nil' is a quick way to fix this.Incidentally your model has some tiny component instances called 'direct' inside the main group that are causing its bounding-box to become very big - I suggest you delete these from the browser to tidy that up too...
Cool. It works.
So the trick is to delete ALL of the material in the model tab under Material Editor.When you said the model has some tiny component instances called 'direct' inside the main group that are causing its bounding-box to become very big.....how do you get rid/purge them? Under which editor?
Thanks once again. You guys have been very helpful.
Now I don't know if this is a problem or not.
I tried to apply the Vray glass blue material to the elements.They seem to be applied. But when I did a test rendering, the VRay buffer is all black, what's the reason of it?
Thanks in advance. See the attached file.
@diesellam said:
Cool. It works.
So the trick is to delete ALL of the material in the model tab under Material Editor.
When you said the model has some tiny component instances called 'direct' inside the main group that are causing its bounding-box to become very big.....how do you get rid/purge them? Under which editor?
Thanks once again. You guys have been very helpful.Find the component in the Component Browser > Model tab, select it and right-click over it's icon and Delete...
@diesellam said:
Now I don't know if this is a problem or not.
I tried to apply the Vray glass blue material to the elements.They seem to be applied. But when I did a test rendering, the VRay buffer is all black, what's the reason of it?
Thanks in advance. See the attached file.
What lights your scene?
And what VfSU version? -
version 1.05.30
I didn't setup any lights. I used the setting from the exercise file called:Chairs-GI.skp