Better Way To Make A Ramp
@ Arjun : thx for Hindi lesson language
@ David
@unknownuser said:Holy Guggenheim! How did he do that?!!!
With that
True. . .true. . .. but FLLW was just showing off wasn't he?
@arjunmax09 said:
thank you very much... i'll try all your ways.. pilou..
so what am I? Chopped liver? -
Pilou ! How did you get to see what was in my desk drawer ???
Those pens were 'a bugger' - getting the line the right width... then they'd 'blob'......... -
I"m not even sure which of the shown objects were 'pens'.....
@chris fullmer said:
I"m not even sure which of the shown objects were 'pens'.....
The things with adjustable ink-ruling pens with a 'bill' nibs - twiddle the wheel and the gap changes to let out more/less ink as you dip it into the inkwell and then try to draw a consistent width line on a sheet of 'animal skin'
IF you were flush you got the pair of compasses with ruling-pen nib so you could [try] to draw inked circles...
Pilou !
How did you get that old picture of me ?
or is it Frank Lloyd Wright ??? -
and the behind of the scene
I could do with the face-lift, not the Guggenheim !
@tig said:
@chris fullmer said:
I"m not even sure which of the shown objects were 'pens'.....
The things with adjustable ink-ruling pens with a 'bill' nibs - twiddle the wheel and the gap changes to let out more/less ink as you dip it into the inkwell and then try to draw a consistent width line on a sheet of 'animal skin'
[attachment=0:36e57kb5]<!-- ia0 -->bead-of-ink.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:36e57kb5]
I got one of them things. Used it in my first year of modelmaking to paint window frames on an architectural building. Never used them before - but found some in the old storage of the office I work at now. They initially caused a bit of a mystery.
@unknownuser said:
How did you get that old picture of me ?
By this, and it's not an old but an actual image !
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
How did you get that old picture of me ?
By this, and it's not an old but an actual image !
This is the 'actual image' [even that is a few years old, as more recent images are no suitable for publication!]
What do you look like ?
My portrait by a very cool guy!
(had with him some very funny threads on the ZBC forum in the past)
I believe a compatriot to you (same island) -
I have a few ruling pens. Cantankerous things. Now that we have Photoshop and Render engines. .. they have gone the way of the AirBrush, The Speedball nib and the and the french Curve. Funny. .. drafting stores still charge for them like they were still in demand.
But we digress. . .
its one of those curvy drawing thingys as shown in the above post. We call them French Curves. . .they come from the same place as French Toast & French Fries - -- America!
I know what is it , but want to know why this is named like that
Maybe something like "System D" ? (don't know if that exist on the new world?) -
We digress too far ............
PS: Pilou are you the rider or the camel ? -
Sometime I am no sure