Downloading the PRO trial
The company I work for is buying us SketchUP Pro to use for our designs. (
) I want to install the eight hour trial so I can get to grips with layout before we updgrade to PRO. By initialising the 8 hour demo, will i encoutner any problems when we install the new Pro versions?
Similarily, if on my home PC and I install the eight hour demo, will I have problems when reverting back to the free version?
Thanks in advance.
At the end of 8 hours use the pro version should gracefully revert to the free version, and all of its pro-only options will stop working.
I've not heard of any problems with this - except of course the annoyance of loosing certain functionality you have quickly gotten used to...
You might want to back up any customized templates/plugins/materials/components etc before the pro installation in case of a foul-up... -
I don't think you need to reinstall the Pro version - just enter the serial number information.
@thomthom said:
I don't think you need to reinstall the Pro version - just enter the serial number information.
No, the Pro version has "extra" files for the exporters, LayOut and maybe even for DC's so if Lee have only the Free version installed, he will need to install the Pro version on top.
There should be no issue with installing it onto the current version but as TIG says, you can never be careful enough so back up everything possible first.
After the 8 hours the only difference between the current ("official") free version and the expired pro will probably be the wording it uses in the title bar (maybe something like expired or eval).
But he's talking about the Pro trial - which is the full Pro for 8 hours, right? So all the files should be there.
Yes but currently he only has the free version installed. The OT was not about licensing an expired trial pro but installing it.
@gaieus said:
Yes but currently he only has the free version installed. The OT was not about licensing an expired trial pro but installing it.
Actually, he does ask about installing it.
@leedeetee said:
I want to install the eight hour trial so I can get to grips with layout before we updgrade to PRO. By initialising the 8 hour demo, will i encoutner any problems when we install the new Pro versions?
He asks if installing the Pro trial now will cause problems when he buy the pro later.
Sigh Thom... Do you always read the small print?
Thanks for the input, guys.
All a bit confusing, but thank you!
@leedeetee said:
Thanks for the input, guys.
All a bit confusing, but thank you!
Do it...
Then blame us when it breaks ! [it shouldn't...] -
@tig said:
Do it...
Then blame us when it breaks...Yeah... Blame HIM...
(You need a system restore once in a while anyway, don't you?)