Connect a face to face (bridge face plugin)
File attached
Those 2 faces joined together. Some kind of automated face to face bridge.
The right word would be morphed and joined together
You need my ExtrusionTools - in this forum.
It includes ExtrudeEdgresByFaces
You select the faces and a path and they'll morph together... -
Perfect. Thanks
any urls to this plugin's zip file. thanks
Use the Forum's Search tool for TIG and Extrusion Tools ???
At the top of the plugins section of the forum there is a "stickied" thread (Plugin Forum Sticky Links) that allows you to search for plugins by Author. Look for TIG. Another one to consider would be Blend by Kirill. It will do exactly what you need as well.
@jamma-pcb said:
Hi all
If any of you have tried wings3d there is an option (if limited option) to connect 2 faces to form a bridge.
My problem is I am trying to connect a ArC face to a rectangular face. forming a automated bridge between them would be welcomed.
Does anyone know of such a plugin?
The plugin is not yet available, but here is the intent:
please hurry it up
Great plugin looks good.
Has anyone got any instructions on TIGS plugin... just cant get it to work...
Hi fredo
I've tried all the other plugins in 7.1 and they are all glitchy and the results are far from clean.
Yours though is clean. It's exactly what I'm after.
Any date for release or a alpha version to try out... will report any bugs and glitches.
Are there any dot to dot plugins.
Highlight 2 object faces with exact same points then a plugin just to line connect and draw them all in and fill.
Something more along those lines would be more realiable.
@jamma-pcb said:
Has anyone got any instructions on TIGS plugin... just cant get it to work...
Look here...
Run the tool - select the two faces and a rail [curve] as prompted...
The path must be a 'curve' - even if it's straight lines - use 'weld' to make these into a 'curve'.
Arcs, Circles and Beziers are made as curves but combinations of these or just simple 'lines' are not curves - so these need 'weld'ing...