How to connect three arcs ? [tutorial] round corner
How to fill the poligons betwen this three arcs in this corner (blue color) ?
Every time when i try to create poligons - it dont hear me and does whatever it want.
check it out
here's the video
Thanks Frenchy!
Here's a similar EEbyRailsV2 way BUT with curved arrises of differing radii and distortion - the three examples show that what is chosen as the profile or rail can affect the mesh shape, smoothness etc as at some point the mesh must converge into a 'pointed end'... -
Some tests
Difference visual aspect of faces is just "perspective"!
Result is strictely the same! (for orthogonal sides: not yet tested other cases
(click for zoom)
You can also use Extrude edges by 2 rails by TIG
Just Click again the first profil as Melding-profil
Result is more or less rounding depending of choice
Click if scrollbar
If you answer 'Yes' to the EEbyRails dialogs about erasing coplanar edges and smoothing, then it would look just like Fredo's straight away...
My example shows unequal and distorted arcs etc which will give slightly different mesh smoothness depending on the order the curves are picked... -
Yes ! I have missed this one in speedy pressing "No's Buttons" and want to make publicity for ThomThom tools
And this can be post productionPS can you consider the 4 curves (2 profiles + 2 rails )of the EEbR as a Coons creator surface or it's another thing?