⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
AutoCAD import problem
I'm trying to import dwg/dxf model into Sketchup
But i get double line instead one line
How can solve this?
A CAD polyline is imported into SUp with a 'width' that will give double lines if it is >0, e.g. the polyline is 50mm wide in CAD so it comes into SUp as a 50mm wide 'ribbon'...
To stop this use CAD to edit the file and filter, and set all polylines width=0, OR explode all polylines into ordinary lines before importing - If you don't have AutoCAD then apps like DoubleCAD are freeware that can edit dwg/dxf files and works with skp too...