SixthSense technology
Just see what a talented guy with an open mind and limited resources can do.
Wouldn't we like to see SU projected on a wall and manipulating the model with both our hands?Cheers
Tomasz -
I would prefer a room and not a wall to manipulate it, i think.
This is fantastic.
Thankyou Tomasz
cheers ¡ -
i think so,
Thanks Aerilius
I'm thinking SU, a projector and Project NATAL myself...
tho, add in a 7.1 surround sound system and a copy of Homeworld2...
So, you really want everyone around you to know what you're doing by gesturing like crazy and projecting your private e-mail messages in the nearest wall?
People already look goofy and act in inconsiderate ways when they're using a wireless earpiece for their phones. This technology opens a whole new world of goofiness and stupidity.
I see applications in videogames, however, together with the technologies now being developed by Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.
Only a few years ago seeing someone walking down the street talking out loud to themselves meant you crossed over to the other side - they had obviously stopped taking their medication and 'care-in-the-community' wasn't working too great! Now with mobile phones so common you don't think twice as every second person you pass is having a weird one sided conversation, often more loudly than if they were chatting to the guy next to them - and also without appearing to hold a handset, as earpieces get more commonplace...
If SixthSense takes off then again we'll accept crowds of people wildly gesturing and waving their hands about as it will seem commonplace - it'll still be weird though !
looks a bit much like sci-fi. But if it's real... wow