Right click make group don't wanna work
Under what circumstances would the right click(context menu) make group command be greyed out and not work, causing me to use the top line Edit>Make Group command?
I selected the geometry, which overlaps a large planar component such that the component is not selected. Nothing else out of the ordinary. Other groups formed without difficulty in the same scenario.
Thanks for your input.
mitcorb -
i've found recently (since 7.1) that alot of times right click menu items have been greyed out while still availiable through the edit menu????? i have to restart SU then things are back to normal. the only other thing that is that new that i use to death is Twilight so its one or the other, but i suspect 7.1. did you try restarting SU?
can anyone either confirm or deny the existence of said anomaly ?
I can confirm it too, happens to me a lot since installing 7.1, a bug report has beem filed on the beta forums I believe.
thank you Solo, i always wonder if i'm doing something wrong when sh!t like that happens.
PS, sorry i ever doubted you Twilight team (or as i like to call them dream team
); where ever you are.
Well, if enough users join the right click grayed out club (RCGOC", maybe someone somewhere will look at what is happening.
Had this problem for some time now. I can not find what it is I am doing that causes this problem.
RCGOC, i like that we should get some jackets made.
I neglected to mention this happened to me in Sketchup 6 Pro. Now, I am concerned about ever implementing 7 or 7.1 or...?
But thanks for the replies. I wasn't aware of this problem until today, and I know I have done the same actions numerous times before without having this happen.mitcorb
I have encountered the some problem: flip along and reverse faces commands are also disabled. The only solution that works for me is to save the model and restart sketchup.
hm.. this seem to crop up much more often now.
Are you lot running with lots of plugins, or rather plain SU?
I have lots and lots of plugins in my SU6 and SU6pro, which are the versions I use mostly.
It hasn't escaped me that a bunch of plugins could cause operational problems, but ferreting this out is beyond my current skill level. -
I've noticed it since 7.1 AND using Twilight - haven't made any direct connection though... A lot of the right-click context-menu items get greyed-out and only save+restart activates them again... I have a lot of shortcuts set to run these and they still work when greyed-out [e.g. reverse or orient] so it is an interface glitch rather than something with the tools themselves
The last i heard it was possible to trigger it by right clicking the same face lots of times in a row (15-20). No idea why, though.
My 6 version act like that too... maybe is an update for windows which cause the malfunction??
yes I use a lot of plugins, free and not. This problem with the context menu doesn't happen immediately, but after a while (a couple of hours or so) and not every time I use sketchup.
It's happening to me as well. It's really annoying!Is there any way to clear this bug without closing sketchup?
Guys, when trying top make a group/component using the context menu or trying to flip something, always make sure to select more than one entity otherwise it doesn't work (the menu items are not only greyed out but don't even appear).
Make a test this way:
- create a sphere
- right click and find that you cannot make it a group/component or flip it.
- you can still make a group/component from the edit menu or a component from the "Principal" toolbar > Component button (I consider this not necessarily a bug but an inconsistent behaviour and keep reporting it every time a new version is being tested but so far nothing has happened)
- if you triple click on the sphre so that its hidden edges are also highlighted as selected, you can make group/component and flip it from the context menu.
Now as for menu items that should be available but greyed out, I have no idea what causes it. Supposedly it's a plugin (and Thom also suspected that it was his selection toys at a time) but I for instance have never experienced it although I have this plugion (as well as Twilight, which was also mentioned above).
Maybe it's not even an only plugin but a conflict between some plugins which of course, would make it even harder to spot.