Random tip: A stack of logs without obvious repetition
Weird. Could you please repost your model so I can have a look?
Ok, I see that the logs are intersecting between them and this seems to be causing some kind of explosion effect. Make sure to use Chris Fullmer's plugin as I described in my first post: Min scale 0.9, Max scale 1.0. If you use a higher scale the logs will start to intersect.
I also tried that... maybe I am adding the geometric shape wrong.
I removed everything but 1 log and it still jumped...
Dunno.. I removed all plugins except Sketchyphysics 3RC1 and it still jumped...
Non-intersecting logs attached...
My random scale tool seems to be causing jumping issues for some people. I have not yet looked into it
Sorry if its affecting your workflow. Hopefully I'll get a chance to check it out soon,
As far as I know, the current version does not support friction settings.
Weird what happened to your logs... -
I went around the jumping issue by re-grouping every log individually after using "scale and rotate multiple" (whew!).
But now I have another question! Is there a way to add friction in Sketchyphysics? I don't want the logs to rely on the artificial "rope" -- the walls to keep them from rolling off the ground. I want them to adjust a little and then stop moving due to friction.
Edit: Maybe the "magnet strength"? But how do I adjust properties of all objects at the same time as opposed to individually?
here's the 'final' where I used the logs. thanks again Miguel!
@fletch said:
here's the 'final' where I used the logs. thanks again Miguel!
Wow, that looks fun. What are you using it for?
And this is exactly the case when projected material works pretty well on the sides, too.
@tig said:
@fletch said:
here's the 'final' where I used the logs. thanks again Miguel!
Had I know the intention you could have had these...[attachment=1:rtt0x3zm]<!-- ia1 -->logs.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:rtt0x3zm][attachment=0:rtt0x3zm]<!-- ia0 -->logs.skp<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:rtt0x3zm]
wow! 2 gifts in the same thread! Thanks a ton, TIG!
You can see the 'final' image in the House and Pool thread (using Miguel's logs, I didn't see your component here 'til just now.