[Plugin] Color by Z (Updated August 27th, 2009)
It never occurred to me to project a gradient color onto a terrain, great idea.
However, I do project gradient transparency along with gradient color onto a single surface to make arrow-shaped objects and "swooshes" that indicate direction or motion.
Mt Hood gone Active Vulcanic AGAIN 2.skp
Solo, was that made with the plugin or with the image gradient method?
Hi Chris and all,
I haven't been able to drop by the Ruby Dept for days so I might be a bit late... Do you know however Didier's "paint_altitude_faces.rb" by any chance? It works kind of similar (only with the gradients of the same colour):
There's also a demonstration video supplied.All in all, yours is a very cool plugin with this texture gradient!
Yeah, I have a tendency to not look around to see if similar scripts exist before starting one (I think there were already about 4 version of a random pushpull script before I wrote mine, for example). Mostly because I'm still just writing these for the experience and they each teach me a new little portion of the Ruby SketchUp API. But I definitely need to watch out for that before I embark on any seriously large and in-depth projects I suppose!
So I tried to check his out, and its only painting black faces on my model regardless of what color I select. I suppose it might be a units thing? but I changed my model units to metric with no luck. Also the avi file wouldn't play for me so I couldn't see it in action. I even tried playing it with mPlayer, which generally plays anything you throw at it. But that didn't work. It came out all garbled.
@chris fullmer said:
So I tried to check his out, and its only painting black faces on my model regardless of what color I select. I suppose it might be a units thing? but I changed my model units to metric with no luck. Also the avi file wouldn't play for me so I couldn't see it in action.
Okay guys, don't ask me. I just remembered seeing the ruby in the list about two ears ago (never tried). Maybe it has problems with SU 6+? The video plays to me and Didier uses a blue colour for the demo.
This is just great Chris. Thank you so much.
I deal with many diffrent urban projects and
I clearly see that Skechup with smart programmers like yourself
has great potential in evolving into sth not only for visual outcomes but
for urban analysis.
Color by Z is already a great start isn't it?
Could this kind of approach broadens to....
**- analyze daytime shadow coverage ratio- density analysis(maybe by comparing # of lines certain area contains)
- open view condition by z**
and so on and so on...
If anyone is interested, I would love to discuss about it(just can't program it ;( ).
Thanks again Chris. -
"analyze daytime shadow coverage ratio"
That is one that has been on my mind lately. I just can't figure out how to figure out the percentage calculations because there is no easy way to get that data out of SU I think. So I would essentially have to find get the location data from the model, and evaluate each face myself using the sun angles every 15 minutes or something and run that on each face etc. I'm really not sure how that would go or if its even feasible. It would be cool if it was.
Erro ao carregar o arquivo clf_color_by_z.rb
No such file to load -- progressbar.rb -
@rinaldo said:
Erro ao carregar o arquivo clf_color_by_z.rb
No such file to load -- progressbar.rbDownload progressbar.rb free from SMustard...
doesn't work for me.
Error; #<ArgumentError; comparison of Float with nil failed> (eval);44;in `>' (eval);44;in `update'
You need to have progressbar from http://www.smustard.com installed also. Go install the plugin and then see if the plugin works after that,
PS - thanks for posting the error!
@chris fullmer said:
You need to have progressbar from http://www.smustard.com installed also. Go install the plugin and then see if the plugin works after that,
PS - thanks for posting the error!
I have it...
sorry for uncompleted quoting, this is right error:Error; #<ArgumentError; comparison of Float with nil failed> (eval);44;in `>' (eval);44;in `update' C;/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_color_by_z.rb;140;in `colorbyz' C;/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_color_by_z.rb;138;in `each' C;/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_color_by_z.rb;138;in `colorbyz' C;/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_color_by_z.rb;174 C;/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_color_by_z.rb;174;in `call'
and sorry for my poor enghish
Try removing component spray from you plugins, then try my script. See if that is the problem.
@chris fullmer said:
Try removing component spray from you plugins, then try my script. See if that is the problem.
but... if you know that... can you solve it? component spray is very usefull for me...by the way... yours is a good script!
@snorky said:
@chris fullmer said:
Try removing component spray from you plugins, then try my script. See if that is the problem.
but... if you know that... can you solve it? component spray is very usefull for me...by the way... yours is a good script!
Update to the latest version of Component Spray. The old Component Spray caused problems.
@thomthom said:
Update to the latest version of Component Spray. The old Component Spray caused problems.
works fine now...EDIT!!!
sorry, doesn't work!
I remove old component spray tool and forgot to put new!
now I try with new compo-spray.rb but error is still there -
That is the second error report in the last 2 days that component spray is not fixed. But it was fixed a while ago, so I'm not sure what happened. Maybe Didier updated it and re-broke it?
hello Chris,
My first post on this great site, and many thanks for this very useful script!
Another great implementation would be to give as well possibility to have a [highlight=#ffffbf:11vlkwjz]gradient of transparency[/highlight:11vlkwjz] (I am thinking now of cloud generation....)