Not able to fill certain enclosed area...
I alway run into problem with not able to fill certain enclosed area even all the lines are matched up nicely. I always need to draw lines to break it into smaller area and after a few attempt it filled up eventually. Is there a ruby plug in that can fix this problem?
Any solution appreciated.
Hi, if with "fill" you mean create a surface, then most probably your area is not perfectly planar, so SU cannot create a face. If so, you can draw lines to break it into smaller planar areas (your method) or you can try, for example, "Soap skin & bubble" plugin. Or, finally, you can also try to select the edges of your area and use "from contours" native SU tool. Anyway I suggest to post the model in order to get a better help.
You can also force your collection of edges to be really 'flat' by using the Sandbox Drape tool onto a large flat rectangular face...
I have this problem also and it's very frustrating.
In some sense my edges must be planer because I can generally break the face into smaller and smaller triangles, all of which become individual faces, until I finally coax the final rectangle to become a face. Then I go back and delete all of the triangle lines except the original outer perimeter and I have a face.
It's frustrating because the outer lines are planer or they're not. If SketchUp can finally make a face after I've broken it into many triangles it is planer but for some reason SketchUp doesn't 'know' this until I've gone through this process of breaking it up into smaller and smaller triangles.