How to model this
2 Faces + path. Weld the curve for smoother result. Use Perpendicular face tool to put faces perpendicular to the curve.
o my sack! you almost got it!
The end and start point should be exactly where it is drawn though...
will have to check how you did this.
Looking good man!
and Radial bend
pete, you're missing a 180 in there
cheers guys. brilliant! Jeff, that's exactly what i'm looking for.
thanx again!
[edit --- you're missing a bend.. look at the orientation of the ends of the slats on the original picture you posted]
i twisted it 90deg first... then bent it 90deg and bent it again 90deg..
after this, you can use the scale tool to stretch/squish it and fit it into place.. you can also set fredoscale to do the smoothing for you as you go so you don't have all those lines showing up.
Did you subdivide that rectangular box before doing the fredo-scale operations?
@jwlyon1 said:
Did you subdivide that rectangular box before doing the fredo-scale operations?
nah, fredoscale divides it up for you.. you can select the amount of sections but for the most part, i keep it on auto.
Well Dang! I guess I really need to learn how to use FredoScale. Thanks!