A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Hi! I just found this forum thanks to a posting by DaveR on a woodworking website. I've dabbled in various CAD and modeling programs over the years but have never gotten too serious about them. I'm trying desparately to learn as much as I can about SU to help me with woodworking designs and documentation.
I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can on this forum and, eventually, being a contributor.
Hello everyone My name is Javier Gonzalez and am new to this forum so I would like to introduce myself because so many great people have share their knowledge and experience of sketchup like tips, tutorials, plugins.... with all of us and this have been very helpful not only for me but for some of my friends. I am currently a student trying to get my bachelors in Architecture and would like to THANK all of those people for taking the time to improve our sketchup abilities. I would try to upload something one day even though am not as good as most of you.
Hi Javi and welcome.
Don't be shy about your work so don't hesitate to share it if you wish. -
Hi my name is Mel, I'm registered user for a long time but haven't visited a long time. this site is great!!!
Hello Mel, good to see you posting
hi! i've been using sketch up for about 2months now. I'm searching the web for free sketchup plug ins. I'm looking for useful plugin tool that can easily make the edges round or can make irregular shapes. can i download it here? thanks.
im hoping to learn more about sketch up from this forum.
Hi Dhon,
For "rounded/bevelled" edges, see Sketchy Bevel and Round Edge.
For "irregular" shapes, there are lots of different plugins (both free and commercial); it all depends on what you need.
@gaieus said:
Hi Dhon,
For "rounded/bevelled" edges, see Sketchy Bevel and Round Edge.
For "irregular" shapes, there are lots of different plugins (both free and commercial); it all depends on what you need.
noooo. i dont know how to use .rb files.=( and i dont know how to use the ruby console.=(
The '.rb' script files go into the Plugins Sketchup folder. On a PC it's typically in...
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Plugins\On a Mac it's slightly different...
/Library/Application Support/Google/Google SketchUp 7/SketchUp/plugins/Sometimes the files come in a zip file, if so just extract them into the Plugins folder, note that any icon images or similar support files might need to be extracted into a separate sub-folder, this way it will do it for you...
Some scripts have 'readme' or 'help' files that explain how to use them - there's also a lot of stuff on the Ruby Forum about many of them. Script .rb files are just a text file of instructions... If you want to open a .rb file in a plain-text editor like NotePad.exe [Note: never use a word processor as accidentally saving the file would probably reformat it and mess up the code], you can then read the first section where there's almost always explanatory text on usage etc...
After putting the files into that folder the next time you open Sketchup you'll have the new commands loaded automatically... To stop afile loading either move it into another folder or add .txt onto the name's end so it won't auto-load.
You don't have to do much more to use a script - most rubies run by picking their command off the Plugins Menu, some have their own toolbars and others work off the right-click context menu. Some do load in another menu like 'Draw'. A very few of them work by typing their command into the Ruby console...
Thanks Gaieus and TIG! ive finally installed the Sketchy bevel and Round Edges.
im going to study it,
thanks again!!!
How about this one? how can you install .rbs like this? http://www.crai.archi.fr/RubyLibraryDepot/Ruby/bezier.rb do i copy and paste it on a notepad and then change the file name with .rb?
rbs files are just "encrypted" (scrambled) versions of rb files and work the same way as rb files. Do not rename them just use them as simple rb files. (The authors of these files may want to hide the code and this is particularly the general practice with commercial plugins).
@gaieus said:
rbs files are just "encrypted" (scrambled) versions of rb files and work the same way as rb files. Do not rename them just use them as simple rb files. (The authors of these files may want to hide the code and this is particularly the general practice with commercial plugins).
ohhhhhh.. i just saw the sketchucation's PlugIns index. i was having a hard time searching all over the net for PlugIns.
can i ask you a favor? can i post here 2d images and can you tell me how to do it in sketch up? im having a hard time doing irregular shapes on sketchup, but no problems on flat surfaces. thanks,you've been a big help
Surely post anything you have questions about. After all, this is what this forum is for!
If it's some specific issue however, just feel free to start a new post (instead of adding to this topic) so that it won't get lost/hidden in this long thread.
Just saying hi as I am new here,
I do architectural work in the Kentucky/Indiana/Ohio area, I have been using sketchup for about four years (before it was google). Lately I have been doing all of my renders through kerkythea.I am here for any tips, hints and suggestions I can get.
Welcome to SCF Ted, look around, get free plugins, post some work, ask a question or even answer some...make yourself at home.
hai all...i,m bahri from indonesia nice to meet U all in this great forum.
hope i can learn much from U all... i,m new in google sketch up
and i,m using google skp 7...
thanks -
hello bahri
Hi everbody,
This is Taylan from Turkey. My real job is foreign trade. I have just did load the SketchUp 6 and saw it seems great and have easy usage. I hope I'm gonna learn a lot from you about 3d. My aim is to draw a sketch of wooden product and to produce it by my own. This is just an enjoyable hobby for me. Thanks already now for all you'r gonna teach me.
hi taylan,
welcome aboard and don't forget to post your model