Real time Walkway with Half Life engine
left4dead + Plugins Google Sketchup
(thx RYO
You must have this curious violent game
(I am not gamer
But seems you are not obliged to take some weapons
So some ideas can be investigated -
This is interesting.
I'd often like to walk around in my models. Even better if it allowed you to drive about. SU models in the GTA engine would be nice. -
Neat! I have HL/HL2 but don't have it installed anymore. I'll put it back on my computer just for this.
people, APPARENTLY, this is not for Half Life, but for Left For Dead, a game using Half Life 2 ENGINE.
but if Left 4 Dead can use Sketchup Models, I can only guess that a conversion of the plugins to use Half Life 2 would be easy to make.
This is very interesting, because, if this could work together with sketchup would allows to do amazing stuff.
Imagine a plugin that after we model and set up a animation in sketchup, the plugin would export this to the Half-life 2 engine, and play the animation in high resolution in real time with shadows, lights, textures and even (if the engine allow it) normal maps and then we could save it to a avi file (or any other movie format). With great graphics, high resolution, and saved much more faster than a single render frame.
That is the idea here for sure. and it will be great once this proces is really smoothed out. I have not tried this plugin yet to know just how smoothly it works. I exported a model into battelefield 1942 to play with. It is inredibly fun to drive through your model in a tank, or bomb it with a b17 after class presentations are over
Very interesting
has anyone tried it ?
I once tried to model something for BF2, but it got to complicated
Could be fun to walk around in once project
Are there other game engines that works together with SU ?
@jorgensen said:
trying it out now.
Sadly its impossible (to my knowledge) to take any model and just drop it into the game. Everything needs to be modeled in a certain way in order to be accepted by the game editor. In particular all groups have to consist of convex geometry. This adds extra steps to everything.
On a positive note, it is very easy to add materials to the model and other far as other games, I tried long time ago FarCry editor and Unreal. If my memory serves me right for FarCry there were a need to use 3ds max to make final conversion of the model, but I think now there is a plug in for sketchup floating around. Unreal allowed to bring geometry in dxf, but then all materials would have to be applied in the editor.
I think that great results can be achieved in each case, as long as you dedicate plenty of time and a lot of sweat. But using game engines as a architectural/design visualization work flow is probobly too much work at this time. Still, I do belive it is moving in a right direction.
But if you just want to build a few "fun" rooms and run around shooting zombies then this is just right
@aceshigh said:
Yes it is for Left 4 Dead, but plug-in only brings geometry to editor (Hammer) which actually compiles the game level. Same editor is used for both games (and many others) Plug-in actually has added components for Half-Life too.
Yeah when I was using the BF:42 engine, it was fairly smooth once you learned the process. But that took a bit of work. But the actual process of exporting from SU to 3ds max and then geting the model into the game was pretty easy.
But its all antiquated now and I don't think the bf:42 mod toolkit (MDT) is even available anymore.
I've got some time on my hands, I'd like to play around with this thing. Maybe this next week.
I've had issues with the Source Valve Steam Hammer workflow so far. I am now seeing that this plugin does not work with what I have - "The Orange Box". So oh well, maybe when the develop one for the standard issue valve games.
Well I don't play any of their games, so they introduce a lot of different applications to work on their mods, whereas every other game I've modded normally just have a game that you install and it has a map editor. done.
But with theirs, you've got steam - which forces you to have an account on their system that tracks what you can install or not. Then there is Valve, which is just one of the software makers I guess? And then there is Source, whish is the engine that powers all these games. And there is Hammer, the editor. But don't try to download hammer anywhere, it doesn'r exist. It just sort of lives in steam. Ande then there is the source SDK, the source orangebox base SDK, and on and. Lots of new softwares and names and managers. A bit overwhelming for someone who is not familiar with any of their products.
And if that's not enough, now with this new plugin, they have it listed everywhere as a Source SketchUp Tool. But that is not accurate. Because its not avaialble to everyone who has steam and hammer and source installed. You also have to buy Left for Dead. So its just a lot of confusion for a beginner.
I've emailed their Sketchuptool team and mentioned that I would like to have the sketchup plugins even though I do not own and will not buy Left 4 dead. We'll see what happens.
hello, 1s post here
well i have make some maps for counter-strike source using the HAMMER
here some pics of one
all in the hammer, after you finish it you "render" ( takes like a hour ) then its create a .bsp map, what include all de lights bounced, reflections etc, so the game dos not have to render lights and stuff then you insert it into the game files
like you can see (in the left down corner of the images) its at 2xx fps (but its a small map on a 8800 gt) the map size is 2mb but a very large one can size over 100mb yet is gives good fps, like 60fps
i have always dream about put a sketchup file ( or other 3d ) inside the hammer but i have never found how.
by the way, inside the hammer you can choose export it to all valve games that use source engine ( CS HL2DM etc. and now L4D )so i think this plug-in works not only for L4D
later you can use some softwares to record the screen into a video file.
iam not a gamer also
PS: sorry about the text, bad english
Those are great shots. I'm not sure though, did you create that in SketchUp then? It looks cool.
I got an email from the developers saying that this plugin is in early beta and is only available for people who own Left 4 Dead, but it works with Hammer, regardless what game you are using it for. As Alexandre noted, you can export to whatever game you want from hammer.
They said the plugins will be released more broadly in a few weeks. So hopefully someone will rememebr to post back here when they are fully released!
no it was created in the Hammer.
when i make those maps i do not have even know what is sketchup
but i have a lot of in this plug in