Noob Plugin Suggestions Needed?
Hi Guys,
Is there any suggestion from members on which Plugins are a must for all SU Beginners or Internediate users? I spend most evenings ( and working day ) trawling this brilliant site to gather as much info as possible on any aspect of using SU more productively.
The tutorials are great and I realise for each user there is probably a plugin they couldn't live without.
But if you could spare 2 minutes to think of a plugin for noobs and list a link if you can i'd be forever grateful!
Scratch that post and sorry for wasting your time
thanks Pilou
Take a look here
An animated visual index of the best plugs to have -
While that topic vith the visuals is very cool (and of course very useful), the problem is that one cannot really "suggest" plugins as everything is up to what you need them for. I've used brilliant plugins before that I don't even have installed ATM because (since I reinstalled my whole Windows system), I haven't had the need for them.
When I first discovered plugins however, I installed almost every available one that I could figure out (from the description) what is for. I had lots of them and for weeks I was just trying themout one after the other.
I can't really suggest another way; go out there and try. You don't even know when you may need something that currently you don't find particularly useful.
When I first came across plugins for SU I looked over the lists of plugins and their description. If the description of what they did appeared to fit my workflow I'd try them out.
It's really subjective which plugins will fit you as it depends on your own usage of Sketchup.