How to reset axes view??
That's been annoying me as well. That the standard views doesn't respect the model axis.
I think a plugin is in order...
.... and group and component definition boxes don't align to new axes, only to SU's original axes.
@jackson said:
.... and group and component definition boxes don't align to new axes, only to SU's original axes.
hmm...? Components did use the custom axes and since SU7 groups does it as well.
Well spotted Thom! I've gotten so used to this SU shortcoming that I hadn't noticed they'd finally fixed it! Thanks for that.
Any word on the development of this one Thom? I suddenly find myself in need of it right now......
@chris fullmer said:
Any word on the development of this one Thom? I suddenly find myself in need of it right now......
At the moment it's not something I have the time for. Got a few other projects in the workings.
ok then. I've started on it and its looking very promising. I might have a cheaply put together beta in a day or two (or maybe a few hours if I get lucky).
This is no solution-- just an observation:
I accidentally discovered that hitting the control key while orbiting by middle mouse button tilts the camera off global z. I meant to hit the shift key to pan. Of course, you guys already knew this. Now, if there was a way to retain the tilt, rather than a momentary thing...And, in regards to the axes: It sure would be neat to have a floating xyz gizmo like in other modelling programs. And it sure would be neat to be able to call out x,y AND z coordinates to initiate and complete lines or arcs or rectangles. It appears that SU uses xyz coordinates at some level below the user interface, because of some of the Ruby terminology/ syntax I have seen.
@mitcorb said:
.....hitting the control key while orbiting by middle mouse button tilts the camera off global z. ........Now, if there was a way to retain the tilt, rather than a momentary thing...
This is disabling gravity.
Most likely there are some plugins out there that will return all camera data INCLUDING this "horizon" tilt. So you can reproduce that special view you want to return to.
But you can also save that special view in a scene to return to. Start orbiting that scene view with also Ctrl selected and you will be able to adjust the tilt to your liking.b.t.w. This way of orbiting and (and saving) can also be handy whenever you need to apply the selection window in a tilted way. i.e. since this window is always horizontal according to your screen you now just tilt the model.
Try orbiting/spinning the cursor clockwise or counter clockwise to be able to next make better/easier selections.@mitcorb said:
......neat to be able to call out x,y AND z coordinates to initiate and complete lines or arcs or rectangles. It appears that SU uses xyz coordinates at some level below the user interface, ......
Many times you can apply (input) X,Y and Z, relative to or in absolute values.
Hover (no geometry selected) with the 'Move' tool over an endpoint/vertex and drag it to somewhere else. Now type [2m,3m,4m] to put that point at x=2m,y=3m,z=4m (absolute). Just an example.Wo3Dan
I should mention that I have this plugin pretty much done. I just don't have the Iso view working yet (it takes a little more work than the other views) and I need to finish the icons (I'm planning on just stealing them from the SU ones, but changing their color or somethin).
I was hoping to make it so that these views would be compatible with printing to scla,e but I am striking out on that through Ruby.
But give me a little time and I'll get this extended standard views plugin released.
Thanks to Wo3Dan for his comments.
Maybe put a big Duh stamp on my forehead.
I printed out his post and I'm off to practice some more. -
OK, sorry it took so long. I finally got this plugin out the door.
It is all the standard views, but these will align to the current axis, whether its the original or a user defined one.
Many thanks, Chris. That will save us "roofies" a ton of time!
I sure hope your thesis is not suffering, and your lawn gets mowed on time.