Glass Challenge (all render engines)
My go with hypershot, model by Andeciuala
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Just a quicky with a model form the warehouse. Need to redo the water and make sure it focuses on the glass next time.
Here's my attemp with Vray.
V-Ray for SketchUp.
Postwork with PS.
Kerkythea - and subtle bloom added in PS...
Nice one Frederik, I like the pouring effect, nice model.
Thought I'd give it a shot with a few random items from FormFonts and 3D Warehouse...
Needs more time to cook, but my computer wasnt doing anything for a couple of hours. No-one mention the gravity defying wine in the bottles plz
heres attempt number 2. Gonna have to build up a room around it to get good reflections, i think. Using an HDR doesnt get any caustics. Might try a more interesting glass as well, something like a scotch glass perhaps.
SketchUp + Modo
That last Modo glass material rocks !
Stefanq's Vray mat as a close second . -
Never really played too much with glass. Though I'd like to try out some liquid. Will see if I get some time when I get back from London.
Only thing I've done was play around with caustics.
that good examples
I hope I can make one too with kerkythea
fred ... very good these images -
Very nice! Where's the cheese and fruit tray?
OK, here's my entry. I thought the glass was OK, but the paper mat stumped me. Couldn't figure how to make decent paper, and I forgot to chamfer the edge of the mat.
Oh, well; glass of whiskey anyone?
EDIT: Forgot to mention - Sketchup + Kerkythea
These are 2 tests in Kerkythea.
Ok, so the right one really isn't a photo? Only the background reminds me of a render..
SU + Modo