⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
SkIndigo 1.0.9 Install??
I dont know If I am allowed to ask for that here, but could someone post the SkIndigo 1.0.9 install rar?
I´ve been trying to download it from the Indigo site for like a week but the link to the SkIndigo 1.0.9 is down and they seem to not care, as I sent a email some days ago and didnt even get any answer.
Sorry if I am no t allowed to ask for that here, but since the program is a freeware I tought there should be no problem at all...
Thanks anyway!
Joao rsm
Hi joaorsmello
It worked fine for me???
Try it again
The site has been changed around a bit since the original post.