How to reflect a model
Hi I need to reflect a model it’s an odd shape so only a true mirror image would do…I don’t feel like doing it all again its pretty large….thanks
You can select it and make a copy of it and scale the copy in a negative direction, -1.0 will give you the mirror copy of it.
Mirror plug by TIG?
Select the geometry you want to mirror->right click->make components->move+ctrl to move a copy->scale, factor -1.
Too fast for my slow fingers, chris
And you, pilou.
prepares to add another name to the list.
Do you need to physically mirror it or just to simulate a reflection it in, say, a pond of water or a curtain wall? If you just need reflections, you might as well learn to use a rendering plug-in.
If it's a straightforward flip about an axis [XYZ / RGB] then 'Scale' with -1 will do it [recommend that you make a component of the stuff first and then copy it before flipping, so that it doesn't clash with other geometry unexpectedly]...
If you want to 'Mirror' the bits about another edge or face-plane etc the 'Mirror.rb' tool will help you...
As Ecuadorian said if it's a 'reflection' you want then make a Component of the object and then flip it behind a transparent 'mirror' - like a 'window'... The advantage of making the two parts a copied component is that when you change something in the room the stuff in the 'reflection' changes too... Of course this also applies to say the two sides of a car, mirrored about its centre-line - change one the other goes with it...
Thanks guys its so simple I feel like an idiot
Oh goodness, no need to feel like an idiot. Its a valid question. Especially since most 2d and 3d software have some sort of mirror function built in, and called "mirror".
You should take a look here:
On our new SketchUcation Tutorials (needing a new registration)
Simulating a Reflection in Google SketchUp by Eric Lay(boofredlay)and a good explanation on Official Google SketchUp blog here:
A time for reflection by Tyson Kartchner