Profile Builder released!
Double-click on the text that says 'Double Click to Start Path Editing'. It's much easier to select.
It is impossible to directly enter path edit mode, otherwise I would have done it that way.
Dale, any chance for future versions to create the profiles as components as an option? I some times want one profile multiple times across my model. I can wrap the group into a component, but I feel it'd be a smoother workflow if I could skip that.
@thomthom said:
Dale, any chance for future versions to create the profiles as components as an option? I some times want one profile multiple times across my model. I can wrap the group into a component, but I feel it'd be a smoother workflow if I could skip that.
very good chance
clicking the text doesn't work for me, try editing the the profile on the left side of the door. most of the time the floor get selected instead. further more if your in edit profile mode and you select something else by accident there doesn't seem to be a way to tell profilebuilder to cancel or forget the operation, which leaves your profile hidden.
try the attached file please, let me know how you make out selecting the profile on the left of the door?
I have been using this plug-in for a couple of weeks now and have to say it is fantastic
Its already paid off for me in a recent model I did. I would love to get hold of the Aussie / New Zealand steel sections Andrew was looking at, when will these be available Dale? I cant wait.
@unknownuser said:
I have been using this plug-in for a couple of weeks now and have to say it is fantastic
Its already paid off for me in a recent model I did. I would love to get hold of the Aussie / New Zealand steel sections Andrew was looking at, when will these be available Dale? I cant wait.
I'm dragging the chain, SEKTA. Dale has asked me to reverse a few of the sections to be consistent with all other libraries but i haven't made the time to do it. I will do so ASAP and let you know...
thanks, -
This is esoteric but I feel it is partly my responsibility to keep up with running SketchUp with WINE in Linux, since I started that thread that now seems cited by so many other websites about the practice.
For some reason, Profile Builder is the only Ruby script that does not work for me in that environment. It's usually a line-ending problem which can be solved by a dos2unix shell command very quickly, but something else seems to be happening here...I used that on every rb file, js file, and plb file associated with Profile Builder. The script loads, but no library names or profile names appear in the Profile Builder window.
I don't expect you or anyone to work on this, since it is such a strange situation for your script, but I thought I would make a note of it here so that the problem would at least by public.
Incidentally, all of your other scripts work just fine after line-ending conversion in the Linux/WINE environment.
can anyone confirm my difficulties in double clicking the path for editing?
Hi all, Just sent through the revised Australian Steel profiles to Dale for checking and uploading to the smustard website. Hopefully they should be there in the next day or so....
@unknownuser said:
here's another little glitch i am running into . . .I trace a path for a door casing and it seems to follow the path fine, but then when I finish the command. .there's nothing there!
Not to be "yutz" or anything about this--but I am still having this problem. I pick out a baseboard profile, start drawing around the base of the wall and then about 2 or 3 lines into it. . .zap! it's gone. The tool remains active, it just gives up during the process. I am doing this on a fairly complex model, but the task I am asking it to do is fairly simple. Does that have anything to do with it? Could it be the combnation of Inside and outside corners? on a fresh model . .. say a simple cube, it works fine. I just don't know . . .
i don't mean to be rude, (well maybe a little) but there seems to be better customer support for the free scripts than the pay ones.
has anyone noticed this?
if profilebuilder & SDS weren't so F!@##$g amazing i'd be terribly pissed! -
@xrok1 said:
i don't mean to be rude, (well maybe a little) but there seems to be better customer support for the free scripts than the pay ones.
has anyone noticed this?
Ouch! Sorry xrok! I thought I had answered your question but then when I reviewed the posts again, I noticed you posted the kitchen.skp file which I don't think I ever tested. (I will check tonight...)David_H: Are you using SU6? Is it possible for you to try the same file using SU7? I believe this issue is only present in SU6. However, I have not been able to determine the cause or a solution to it yet.
@xrok1 said:
clicking the text doesn't work for me, try editing the the profile on the left side of the door. most of the time the floor get selected instead. further more if your in edit profile mode and you select something else by accident there doesn't seem to be a way to tell profilebuilder to cancel or forget the operation, which leaves your profile hidden.
try the attached file please, let me know how you make out selecting the profile on the left of the door?
I had no trouble at all double-clicking the text to enter 'path-edit' mode. It was a bit easier then I orbited the view below the floor first but it was not necessary.
If you select something else by accident, just keep hitting 'undo' until the profile member reappears.
what about my ages old problem with custom libraries (custom profiles disappear from it when you open PB again)? i sent you a PM on this and opened a topic at the smustard forum too but even so the problem did not seem to call your attention.
your problem might stem from a bad podium install. (and i'm guessing you have profilebuilder in your user library?), i suggest you follow the steps in those threads and fix the installation..
if you don't want to though, you can at least try to change the permissions on the plugin folder that podium creates.
user/library/application support/google sketchup 7/sketchupin there, you'll see a folder called 'plugins'... that's the one created by the podium install.. right click that folder and choose 'Get Info'
at the bottom of the info window, you'll see the permissions are set like:
that's saying that you can't write anything in the folder which is where the profile builder library is located.
click the lock at the bottom right, type in your password, then click the '+' sign at bottom left.
you should now see a users&groups list which will have 'Administrators' and any user accounts you have on the system..
select Administrators and the permissions will change to:
click on 'read only' next to 'admin' and change that to 'Read & Write'.
you can now freely add files to the folder (if you're using the mac from an admin account)i'm not even sure if this is the problem with ProfileBuilder not saving your custom libraries but it's the first thing i thought of.. fwiw, i have PB placed in the standard plugin folder and it works fine.
Thanks Jeff,
Let me know if that works for you Edson.
thanks Whaat, i actually started doing it through the outliner instead and found that much less finicky.
otherwise the only way it works for me is to single click to highlight the text then double click it ???
@unknownuser said:
your problem might stem from a bad podium install. (and i'm guessing you have profilebuilder in your user library?) and dale,
the method posted above worked fine, thanks. it was probably a permissions for the other fix suggested by jeff, it did not work for me even though i did it twice exactly as described. after doing it i had no podium in my plugins menu. so i reverted to the old way in this respect.