Sketchy model houses
Nice! I love what can be done with this program!
Thanks ecofeco, yeah Sketchup is very good especially in Architectural modeling.
"Sketchup is very good especially in Architectural modeling."
And google does not understand that! -
Nr 23 is my favourite. The calm, greyscale colourscheme is great.
Sweet looking houses! Very cosy.
This is fantastic work, nice job! All of your different design ideas reminds me of what we do all the time, thumbnail sketches of design ideas for the same subject.
Those are really wonderful sketches! My only comment-a pet peave of mine-is the over emphasis on the garage door instaed of the main door to the house. Not a big car fan...
Stephen -
Thanks guys for all the nice comments, the over emphasis on the garage is a choice by the client.
I'll be back for more....
Those are wonderful looking. Good job, I'd say 23 and 25 are my top picks.
Very impressive designs not to mention modellings!!!
A question: How did you do the split cedar shingle in SK? -
Thanks guys, my favorite geh4evr is also no. 23
@ architrave: What I do is model the roofs individually then let then intersect each other, and use the context tool "intersect model" after that I clean the model for some unwanted geometry.
Hope that helps...gianx
Are these normal SU materials, colors and the simple trespassing lines, or are you using some tricky style for that?
Good stuff!
Thanks, the materials are standard Sketchup materials that I converted to grayscale and the lines are just extension lines that are set to 12 and also the background are from the styles that are included in Sketchup....