Vray site down?
@click draw said:
Ya Rhino is nice. Haven't done much with it tho. Basically I'm after a good rendering program that either works inside SU or one I can import a SU model into, then render it.
If that is the case, then choose Vray. Scott Para disagrees with me, but I cannot shed the distinct feeling modo's output isn't as good as Vray's. Also, I find making mats with modo a lot harder than making Vray mats. (Though I must add modo's a great modeling app!)
In any case, if you do decide to go with modo, these might come in handy:
Also check out the other tutorials Luxology's got. I got most of them, and I must say, they're good. I especially enjoyed the one on architectural modeling.
Oh ... while I'm at it, some fun free stuff:
Thanks Stinkie,
I guess I could always get both
. I'll check out the links and thanks again. I've been e-mailing back and forth with VRay and Modo. They are both pretty hungry!
Cheers, Jeff -
So Stinkie,
You have both full versions then, Modo and Vray for SU?
Yes. And I'm quite happy with both apps, I must say. I'm hoping there'll be a Vray plugin for modo some day, though I'd settle for a Maxwell one, if necessary.
I've been trying out a Sketchup to modo workflow lately, and that seems to work quite well. SketchUp for quick yet accurate initial modeling, modo for mesh refinement. The best of both worlds, eh?
What I need now, is Max and Vray for Max. The combined price of both apps is somewhat steep, though.
Hey Stinkie,
Ever checked out Cinema 4D? Could you post some examples of you SU to Modo renders? That would be great.
Thanks again,
Jeff -
No, I've never used C4D. I had a demo of it installed at one point, but I never got around to putting it to good use.
I don't have any modo renders to show, as I do not use modo for rendering. I had quite a bit of test renders which I did while I was watching Van Digital's tutorial, but I didn't keep 'em.
Look, the best way to decide which app to choose, is by having a long, unbiased look at their respective outputs. For me, Vray's output looks better. modo renders have this velvety quality to them that I dislike, and somehow I don't quite believe modo's mats. Those always look like plastic to me.
One can push modo's render engine to produce near-Vray quality, but from what I've read in various threads over at the Luxology forum, and from what I've learned by watching Van Digital's and Yazan Malkosh's tutorials, I can conclude that'll be something of a lengthy task, both setup and rendering wise.
Well I have decided to get both. VRay will be the first purchase and Modo probably next month. I still have to eat....or I could eat macaroni and cheese for a month I guess. I do have my priorities!
Jeff -
lol. I know the problem. I don't even want to know how much I've spent on software, hardware, models, textures etc so far. I'm done for a while, I think. I'd like to keep some of my savings!
Well ... enjoy Vray and modo!
@click draw said:
Well I have decided to get both. VRay will be the first purchase and Modo probably next month. I still have to eat....or I could eat macaroni and cheese for a month I guess. I do have my priorities!
JeffMacaroni and cheese for a month isn't too bad. Students live for year on that stuff.
Thom Thom,
Do you get Kraft Dinner where you live? The stuff is awesome. There must be a cook book out.....101 Ways to cook Kraft Dinner.