Profile Builder plugin- Problem- Help?
Recently bought Project Builer plugin from . However Ive noticed that I cant see any of the profiles in the previews box, as advetised.
I've contacted the author (Dale Martins) and followed his suggestions:
- Made sure i installed it properly and tht the files were all there, all in the right places (they are)
- Check ruby console for any errors when switching between profile (there were no errors)
- reset internet browser (explorer
- turn of sucurity system (Dale believes my security system could be effecting 'wz_jsgraphics.js')
But nothing has changed
, and now I dont know what to do. Ive contacted dale, but still waiting for a reply.
What OS? XP, Vista or Windows 7?
Looks like XP and SU7.
Hm. Weird - I've never heard of this particular problem with it (certainly I don't have IE 8 either).
I'll move this into the Ruby discussions as People using it are more often visiting there.
just checked it. I can't see anything anymore either. the plugin worked fine for me. one of the last programs I installed however, was InternetExplorer 8 Beta.
so it seems that one is the culprit!
Dale, does the Profile Builder plugin make any use of IE?
Well, I guess the dialog is in fact a "webdialog" so it should be using IE on Windows.
Maybe it will work if the compatibility tag is added to the webdialog.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> .aspx
@thomthom said:
Maybe it will work if the compatibility tag is added to the webdialog.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> .aspx
Sorry...Stuart. I did not clue in that you had a new version of IE that I have not tested the plugin on. That seems to be the problem. You could try the method above that thomthom suggests. I suspect that the issue can be fixed by adjusting the IE security settings. I will download IE8 and see what needs to be done to fix this. Thanks for your patience.
The compatibility tag will only affect the rendering I think. If it's a security issue, then I'm not sure what to do. But if it's a rendering issue, then that tag might help.
Thanx you guys for your help, Although I must point out that I also re-downloaded it using Mozilla Firefox with the same reults (no previews).
Dale has contacted me suggesting I do a full system anti-spyware check, (I use ESSET NOD32) and my computer came clean. If I am still having problems he has offered a refund.
I am prepared to stick with it for the time being, and help in anyway I can to resolve this problem.
As a builder(construction) I could see this plugin being a real help, and I really want it to work!I must also point out that Im new to this forum, and my computer vocab is increadibly limited.
Ps Thanx for the links, I will give it a go -
Also just to let you know, The rest of the pugin works fine. But as you can imagin the plugin becomes considerably less efficient if you can't see the profiles.
Im hoping to enlist the help of someone who studied java at uni to see if he can spot something that perhapse you guys cant see without being infront of my computer/(can't comunicate to me)
I would also appreciate, if anyone does manage to work this problem out -what to do stage by stage in good old fashioned Yorkshire language
I find this very interesting. I don't use IE at all. I use Firefox.
I have not downloaded this Ruby. From the discussion in this thread
I understand it may be related to a version of IE.This raises a few questions:
Why are we developing Webdialogs to make Rubies Run ?
Why are Ruby Programmers using this technique, when they can't
guarantee that their code will work with future versions of IE.?
unless they see this as a continuing revenue stream, for future versions.
Why are we going down the "being dependent on what Microsoft may or may not do in the future"?Please don't shoot the messenger I'm only asking a few questions.
@tomot said:
I find this very interesting. I don't use IE at all. I use Firefox.
None the less, your computer have IE. It's integrated with the OS as the IE engine isn't used for the the Ie browser, but also as a platform which is used in applications such as the HTML help files etc.
I have not downloaded this Ruby. From the discussion in this thread
I understand it may be related to a version of IE.This raises a few questions:
@tomot said:
Why are we developing Webdialogs to make Rubies Run ?
To make an UI for the plugins so they are easier to use. The choice of HTML+CSS+JS was probably chosen as it meant there's already a great number of people capable of producing it.
@tomot said:
Why are Ruby Programmers using this technique, when they can't
guarantee that their code will work with future versions of IE.?Can't be guaranteed to work with future versions if they'd choosen the Mozilla engine or any other engine either. But MS is generally good at providing backwards compatibility.
@tomot said:
unless they see this as a continuing revenue stream, for future versions.
Why are we going down the "being dependent on what Microsoft may or may not do in the future"?If not them, then we'll be dependant on another company.
@tomot said:
Please don't shoot the messenger I'm only asking a few questions.
No firearm here.
We're all peace-loving hippies.
Cecil, I would suggest you uninstall the update of Internet Explorer 8 Beta.
I just tried it, and it worked - ProfileBuilder's preview shows the profiles again!
of course that is only a temporary solution (for we don't want to keep an old version of IE simply because of this compatibility issue). but for the time being. thus you can at least use this marvelous plugin and don't have to refund it.
Has anyone tried adding the compatibility tag to the webdialogs?
It's help to know if it's due to changes in rendering or changes in security settings.
What method is used to draw the profile? SVG?
Well, I don't want to sound like ranting about MS products so I only note that IE 8 is still Beta and any changes they made in the core hasn't been able to be followed by other developers dependent on MS products.
In fact, the same goes (or at least went) for IE 7 and webdialogs or Vista vs. XP with web dialogs when they were first applied / these versions of IE / OS came in. It's always a compatibility step behind the development and I'm sure thsese issues will be sorted out in later SU maintenance releases.
Now there have been serious discussions about which browser to support by SU. Since IE is part of the Windows OS anyway (thus present on every computer), it seems obvious that it needs to be supported, not Firefox for instance which is not used by everyone. With Google Chrome now available, there have even been suggestions to integrate it into SU thus making it more intact in development but the reasoning hasn't been convincing enough yet.
@plot-paris said:
Cecil, I would suggest you uninstall the update of Internet Explorer 8 Beta.
I just tried it, and it worked - ProfileBuilder's preview shows the profiles again!
of course that is only a temporary solution (for we don't want to keep an old version of IE simply because of this compatibility issue). but for the time being. thus you can at least use this marvelous plugin and don't have to refund it.
Yes, I suggest you do the same, Stuart. For Internet browsing, most people recommend using Firefox anyway (which I have heard is more secure). I tried downloading IE8 and had the same issue as you. I could not get it to work by modifying security settings so it seems like it is a compatibilty issue with IE8 or the javascript library that I use to draw the profile preview. I have tried to contact the creator of the javascript library and am waiting for a reply.
Let's hope this gets resolved while IE8 is still in beta.
What library is it Dale?
I was thinking; for future versions, using SVG files for the profiles? (XML based) Then people can open the profiles in other applications and you can use the .svg itself as a preview in the webdialog. Also, using .svg might make it easier to display thumbnails of profiles in Explorer/Finder?
Cursed! I thought IE7 had added .svg support. But no...
it needs a plugin for that.
How annoying. I had plans for making plugins using .svg graphics...
Well ive just uninstalled IE8, and yes the profile has appeared! thank god! and thank you all for your help!
I would of liked to have tried to add the tagg to my webdialog before I uninstalled, but I dont know how to
If you could give me step by step instructions I will reinstall IE8 and give it a go because some webpages require IE8 to view (why I upgraded in the first place)
thanks again!
I'm running Windows 7 at the moment, which means IE8, and I will have a look at this to see if I can make some sense out of it.