Barn WIP
That's what i was trying but what i be getting each time is weird stuff like this
Because you are rotating those pieces around a corner of them. You should select the one you make first then get the centerpoint of the circle and rotate them around the centre of the circle. Right click on the circle line and select Centerpoint to get a guide point in the centre.
Well i just don't get it, call me stupid lol
No, I don't want to call you stupid.
Now you have one piece of that barrel nicely aligned along one segment of the circle, right?- select the piece with the Select tool (the piece is highlighted)
- Place the Rotate tool onto the centerpoint of the circle
- Press Ctrl (to make copies)
- click onto one endpoint of the piece to start the rotation
- click on the other side of it to finish the rotation (now you have made one copy)
- now type 23 (don't click into the box to type just type) and hit enter (no need to type 24 since the original piece is the one to which we aded 23 now)
So just try it again!
Thanks, will try that, made a ladder instead just now in the meantime
Ah, that is easier to follow thanks Solo, gonna give this a try in a few mins
just finnished the ladder
Almmost i guess, except for the openings betweeen the planks that is.
with straight planks i can do it now
I think an easier way is to use the follow me tool.
Attached is a file. When you open it,
- click on the surface of the circle with the Select tool (note that I exploded the circle to get the pieces to be faceded instead of softened but it could have been done by lowering the softening angle as well)
- then click on the face of the piece with the Follow me tool
If you still want to assemble it from pieces, now turn one of them into a component, delete the rest and do the radial array with this component (they will obviously fit nicely).
Thanks that is easier indeed, however i learned both ways now so that is allways a good thing
Yes, exactly, that's the main point.
Good morning
One last question about this, i think i calling it done, but i noticed when i did the test render in vue to see how it would look like the materials on the inside became the same as i stick on the outside in vue. Is this normal ? or do i have to do something to it so that won't happen ?Thanks in advance
M. -
Where inside? On the back faces?
Yes i think the back faces when i give it a material in SU that is ok but in vue it aint
Topmost rule when it comes to rendering: in SU never let a back face be displayed (and never try to render it in an external renderer). If you see any back (blueish) face while modeling, immediately right click and "reverse faces" (you can do this with a whole selection set as well).
So was thisthe problem or have I misunderstood something?
That is the problem then, if i reverse one side the other side get purple and vice versa
Well, obviously a face has two sides; a fron one (generally some kind of white or beige) and a back one (some greyish blue by default).
next time i close the doors