Vue 7 Infinite
To Solo
Has looked your gallery, very great and qualitative renders! About Vue it is clear, but how you have inserted plants into a Podium? -
I used clipmaps for my vegetation in Podium, however with the new version 1.6 available it now works with .png's which is my easier to use.
I too have done many png-plants, but my Podium 1.5 did not see a transparency and I have removed it, Kerkytheya too for the same reason. Has tried to plant trees and shrubs in Vue, there except the vegetation magnificent, also it is possible to insert my alpha planes, and in general it is beautiful very much, only it is a little long...
In Vue it's very easy to use alpha images, just select an alpha plane and in dialogue box navigate to the .png image and viola!
Have you tried the new Podium 1.6 yet? as it's much faster and it supports .png's very well.
I have already tried to make in Vue alpha planes, really easily, thanks, only a question: it is possible to use very much them, like instanses? Though I only have started Vue to study and mine question probably the foolish? In the same place it is possible to do or modify excellent plants also...
And Podium 1,6 I will look necessarily, and once again I will test on exteriors
Yes it's possible to mass your alpha plane vegetation, make one and save it as an object in a folder within your objects library. Then in spray ecosystem or material ecosystem (your choice) you select 'object' and navigate to the saved object, then spray away.
As for modifying the solid growth plants and trees, just right click on it and select edit, you can modify everything from the trunk, branches and leaves, from sizes, lengths, girth, gnarly, twist, curl, etc. -
Thanks big, Solo! When I will try, I can show that has turned out with alpha planes and native Vue plants. It is a pity they are just similar either on wild, or on Martian, and at me work such that recognition of garden plants is important...
Pete thanks for explianing your workflow and preferences. I had a very early version of Vue, I think it was the only render app that I ever got near to really understanding. I didn't like it for modelling though, but I was always happy with the renders. I think you have convinced me to invest in Vue 7.
Hi Pete,
Thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions.
Lots of useful points to think about there.I liked this the best:
@unknownuser said:
I don't know about yourself, but there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to earn a living, eat, drink, sleep and spend at least some time with your family.
There isn't, thus one needs to move computer to lounge/dinning area, get very comfortable chair (for sleeping in) and a side table for eating purposes (a mini refrigerator is an added advantage), Full size cut-outs of yourself placed in strategic parts of the house may work on the family issue.Maybe if they could speed up the human cloning project that may help?
Mr S -
@solo said:
...Have you tried the new Podium 1.6 yet? as it's much faster and it supports .png's very well.
Today has tried Podium, with vegetation all is excellent, the transparency in tiff and png understands, its plant models the truth a bit left unfinished, not cut off and axes not on the centre.
But all any blue at rendering also were gone somewhere options of shades... -
do NOT buy VUE 7I yet, It is a great render software but the current version has major bugs, so if your life depends on this,
don't buy yet, wait for the first patch/update.
We got it by now.
Bruell, sorry to hear about your issue, my business relies on my software and I made the jump to version 7 without any issue.
Anyway moving on....
Did you know Vue has amazing animation tools?
Here are two quick samples.
This on I did (crude 5 minute animation render) of a ball rolling.
This one was done by Vovka from showing Vue's ability to handle D.O.F.
Solo, Before we lost the last few days posts due to the server crash, there was a discussion on Vue distorting and 'scattering' faces of some imported models. Attached is a screenshot of an example. Also here is a link to the skp file. fragmented.skpNot only are the faces fragmented but the plan view has 'scattered' various parts of it around the site. I'd like to know if Vue 7 Infinite is better in this respect. I only have Vue 6 PLE that I'm testing at the moment. My aim is to create a Sketchup site model minus the vegetation and then insert the landscaping in Vue. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
In VUE I6...File...options....display options....3d view display options:
Try enableing background draw thread and increase the sliders for instant draw and backgound draw.This should correct the missing faces you are experienceing.
As for the scattering in VUE I6 I believe the scattering happens when components that have nested components/groups are imported to Vue and Vue has trouble with this.Try importing a problematic model without nested components to test this theory.
Can you send me the model in .skp or .vue and let me see if the problem exists on my side, if not then I can send it back to you ready for you to carry on working.
good for you if you are able to just move on.... on my end here the problems e-on software has put on to my business are still not solved.
As I mentioned before, in the lost realms of this forum, my scene imported into VUE6 I works perfectly smooth, and I'm able to add the vegetation.
However, In VUE 7I, which i was forced to buy instead of VUE6I, I am not able to even move the Camera.
e-on software has admitted the problem, but they are saying, I will have to wait until the BUG fix is out.So, I'm not moving on yet!
And I want to add another issue here, I've been looking at the brick texture of the above post.
I am wondering, has ayone here got a solution to the brick texture looking funky???????
Charlie, I enabled the background draw thread and it worked and also once I exploded the original model, it also solved the scattering issue. Solo, it's also good to know that Vue 7 can import files without having to explode as that can be quite time consuming on larger files. Thanks to both of you. I'll now give Vue a thorough test and may well buy Vue 7.
As for the 54 styles, I was playing around with them but didn't realise it was that many! More importantly, I have to admit that it's never registered with me that you can purge styles
. It just shows you that you can always learn something new no matter how long you've been using Sketchup. I think I'll have to review some of my other models and I think I can see a speed and model size improvement on many of them as I use styles a lot. So thanks for that too!