Coming Soon:Profile Builder
How much is this going to cost? When are you hoping it will be available?
Whaat you are the don.
I'm a french architect working every single day on this killer app. called sketchup (I'm seriously thinking about forgetting autocad & 3Dstudio).
Last week I discovered SUBDIVIDE&SMOOTH and I was very excited: The power of subdiv inside SU!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight Obama is the new president of USA and I see the video on Profile builder: what can I say?
It's a new day, it's a new era.
God bless Obama
God bless WhaatWhenever you want for beta test!!!!
PS: sorry for my poor english
really looking cool, incredible Whaat, fantastic work
@anssi said:
Very nice and useful! But can it create a rectangular or profiled spiral stair handrail?
ha! asking for features and haven't even touched it yet.
WOW! and then some!
Way cool whaat!!! can't wait.
Slick! I loved the presentation, too...
GimmE Gimme! Gimme!
Funny, I was just watching this tutorial for a Modo plugin called profile sweep ( ) and was going to ask if someone could duplicate that in a ruby script. Whaat, you've surpassed it and then some!!!
i must have watched that at least 4 times, just so i didn't miss anything.
i haven't had a grin on my face this big since i passed me driving test.
very much looking forward to this.
Two ideas:
I am thinking that it would be interesting if one could assign some kind of structural and costing characteristics to the profile(s). Then, (maybe) it could, in combo is SketchyPhysics?, provide a basic structural analysis tool of incredible ease...?
Also, you might think of expanding it to provide basic BIM info for cost estimation calculations, ie:
- running length of a particular material {profile};
- cost per running unit of profile;
- total cost of all profiles;
of connections between profile X&Y, etc...
- output of an excel worksheet file with the lengths, etc....
Anyway, keep it up. Looking forward to this one!
This looks great and will certainly speed up a ,lot of modeling.
My boss must never find out about it because my deadlines might be shorten by half -
Oooohhhh my God...!!!
@unknownuser said:
...that might just change the way you model with SketchUp...
Now that's what I would call a huge understatement...!!!
Whaat - you have my deepest respect...!!!
I wonder when Google will offer you a permanent job in the SU developing team...!!
It's like you went to the Googleplex and turned the place upside down.
That's amazing. I will be buying!
I can't stop watching the teaser video.....hurry. I feel like a kid that knows Christmas is coming soon.
really amazed!
i try to figured out what you eat?
you are genius!
i'm waiting for the full release,..
hmmm,... can you give me some sign about how much it cost? -
he charged $20USD for Subdivide and Smooth Plugin ( )
@thinkbuild - yeah, that's what I was thinking... I can see a BIM plugin for SU coming... but then, Whaat's way ahead of us on this I imagine. I hadn't thought it would be possible before seeing that vid.