Coming Soon:Profile Builder
Way cool whaat!!! can't wait.
Slick! I loved the presentation, too...
GimmE Gimme! Gimme!
Funny, I was just watching this tutorial for a Modo plugin called profile sweep ( ) and was going to ask if someone could duplicate that in a ruby script. Whaat, you've surpassed it and then some!!!
i must have watched that at least 4 times, just so i didn't miss anything.
i haven't had a grin on my face this big since i passed me driving test.
very much looking forward to this.
Two ideas:
I am thinking that it would be interesting if one could assign some kind of structural and costing characteristics to the profile(s). Then, (maybe) it could, in combo is SketchyPhysics?, provide a basic structural analysis tool of incredible ease...?
Also, you might think of expanding it to provide basic BIM info for cost estimation calculations, ie:
- running length of a particular material {profile};
- cost per running unit of profile;
- total cost of all profiles;
of connections between profile X&Y, etc...
- output of an excel worksheet file with the lengths, etc....
Anyway, keep it up. Looking forward to this one!
This looks great and will certainly speed up a ,lot of modeling.
My boss must never find out about it because my deadlines might be shorten by half -
Oooohhhh my God...!!!
@unknownuser said:
...that might just change the way you model with SketchUp...
Now that's what I would call a huge understatement...!!!
Whaat - you have my deepest respect...!!!
I wonder when Google will offer you a permanent job in the SU developing team...!!
It's like you went to the Googleplex and turned the place upside down.
That's amazing. I will be buying!
I can't stop watching the teaser video.....hurry. I feel like a kid that knows Christmas is coming soon.
really amazed!
i try to figured out what you eat?
you are genius!
i'm waiting for the full release,..
hmmm,... can you give me some sign about how much it cost? -
he charged $20USD for Subdivide and Smooth Plugin ( )
@thinkbuild - yeah, that's what I was thinking... I can see a BIM plugin for SU coming... but then, Whaat's way ahead of us on this I imagine. I hadn't thought it would be possible before seeing that vid. -
what an amazing soundtrack to your video
Whaat, that is truely a wonderful tool - drawing your own shapes and using them as a "follow-me-sort-of-line-thing-tool"... amazing!!!
@remus: here you have your completely new feature for SketchUp (as requested )
really MAGNIFICENT!!, something to look forward to!
Thanks for the encouraging responses! Sorry, but I will not be taking any more requests for beta testing. If you have already PM'd me, chances are good that I will send you a message in the coming weeks (be patient...) to give you further details.
I know there have been lots of questions about the plugin but I will have to keep a bit quiet for now
Dale -
Looks brilliant!
Can't wait. -
Wow... I'm loving this. I'm sold. I love the video comilation, and the music.
Well, I could have sworn I posted here already, but it's not showing up for me.
I was wondering, how does the profiling do with spiral, or helixes? A tube works fin in these, but with follow me if it something not radial, you'll see that face twists along the line whlie its traveling up the helix. This would be an important thing to consider if say, you're making a handrail for a spiral stair. The hand rail must stay oriented with the ground. Will this have an option for that? And will all those different profiles shown in there be availiable, as well as adding our own?