Bad habits Annonymous
hi my names tekkybot and i like to browse the skechucations forum because its a lot easier then actually working out problems i come across in sketchup
Hi, my name is Gaieus and I admit that I still post in the Groups.
Hi, my name is Plot and I allways model too detailed. even in a masterplan I am tempted to design the doorhandle. and I am here to overcome this terrible addiction.
My name is Mateo and I spend more time modelling with basic tools in SU than to shorten my time and adopt Rubis because I am too lazy to learn.
hi i'm pav and i set shortcuts for every tool in sketchup and then don't use half of them.
My name is Marian, and i don't name components, groups, don't use shortcuts or layers
My name is Kwistenbiebel and sometimes I get grumpy not getting info on the next SU release.
my name is mike...and i lurk here often gleaning bits of learning from many smart folks..yet almost never post
My name is Anssi and I have tons of great free components and Ruby scripts cluttering my harddrive - and I almost never use them. I also always promise to start learning Ruby but never do that. I always just start modeling and bother about organizing the model afterwards. I almost always group things before turning the group into a component, to skip the embarrassing phase where my creativity is required for inventing a name to the b****y component.
Hi. My name is David and I am a Sketchupaholic. . . .
I, too am a notorious component non-namer. I spend too much time on SU forums. . . .and I get very insecure when I post something and no one responds to it.
Hi, my name is Tom. I don't plan my models well. I just jump in. Which results in messy models and lots of frustration.
Hi, my name is Daniel and I keep several version of the same Sketchup file in case I would prefer a previous version .... on the same hard disk!!!!!
HI All,
I'm MALAISE, SketchUp addicted ( when I'm not travelling ). I collect "rubies" but hardly use the tenth of
them. -
Hi, my name is Harry, I am addicted to SketchUp after only 4 weeks. I NEVER name groups, but it's because I only use them as a temporary thing, only ever have 1 at a time before turning what I am doing into a component.
My name's Jon and I have over 800 Kerkythea files and over 1000 sketchup files.
Also, I never name groups or components and I never use layers, styles, or scenes. -
Great thread!
My name is Adam and I've been addicted to SU for the past 10 months and I rarely ever save .skm materials, but would rather rummage through a cluster of 15 different material folders all in different places to find the material I want. I also must admit that I cannot stay faithful to any one render programs, but rather sleep with a different renderer running for every night of the week.
nomer here... i jump immediately with rendering even the model is not yet finish.
My name is Thom and I like to stuff SU full of polygons and high-res textures.
Andrew here.
I find hotkeys are my down fall. 'Right hand on the mouse and left hand jumping around like a headless chicken....'
With my notebook on my lap, it only leaves my knees to steer the car and indicate if i feel the need.
bad hotkeys; very bad... -
Hi. My name is Daniel, and I....
am overly detailed and exact, to the point of being anal retentive.
do not save materials I create.
Rubies...rubies?! Isn't that a gemstone?