A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Gaiesu thanks for your suggestions. I didn't know about those details!! I was furious when i did pictures of this project and the profil lines cover other lines and make it all not clear. Ofcourse i will post them in the gallery after transforming this projekt with your suggestions so it looks nicer
Cool, I'm really glad that I could add something to these beautiful models.
You really seem to have the skills and enthusiasm for modeling so obviously you only need to pick up some small tips and tricks to make them perfect.
Do you also model the buildings from inside? At lest the church and stuff like that?
I have the plans of my cathedral from before it was rebuilt in the 19th century and I'm planning to make all its "versions" back to the 12th century as our episcopate will celebrate its millennium next year. All the Gothic vaultings and such - it will be a fun project!
This is a video of it in the 14th century (wmv - 14 Mb) modeled in SU but rendered in an external application. Though this one is not modeled from inside, the other churches in the distance are. -
Just signed up.Struggling to get my head around animation/ flythroughs in SU. Can anyone shed some light on this or show me some good step by step links.
Cheers, Matt
Hello matt, and welcome.
If your looking for info on animation check out the tutorials forum, theres a lot of stuff on it in there.
Welcome Matt,
You have to start with Scenes to create/export an animation afterwards.
(Note that the
feature label is outdated - animation export is now available in the free version as well).Also make sure that you set your preferences for the animation in the Model info dialogue.
sir ive used the animation for my previous presentations when i projected it through an OHP the lines were so pixelized and it seems like an old film.. is there any additional setting for this?
In the animation export options there is a checkbox "antialias". Did you check that? Also turn off profiles at the Styles dialogue and maybe try to export in a bigger size.
This is chang~!, i am new and i am studied, but i will love to learn,
Welcome Chang!
hi. im tekkybot
how do i select more then one item and push pull it? im not doing this right, as im a total newbie
im trying to create a simple cardboard box looking robot. (nothing to too hard as i have to keep it simple at first) i draw a square, then copy, and paste it, so as to form the base of the pair of legs of the robot. the reason i want to pull both blocks at once is so i can keep things symmetrical
Welcome, and one way to do that is to make the one block. THen select it all and turn it into a component. Then copy and paste the component (or I would use the move tool and hold down ctrl (on a PC)). Move+ctrl = move a copy. So this would would move a copy of the component over to where I want it. Then with the copy of the component, I would select it and activate the scale tool and scale it to negative 1 along the same axis I moved it. So if I moved the copy along the red axis, I would then scale the copy to -1 along the red axis too.
So now I would edit one of the components and it will change both components equally, but mirrored towards eachother, thus giving you the symmetry you need.
It sounds much more complicated than it actually is. I can put together a quick tutorial if my vague instructions don't help, or there probably is one already in the tutorials section on the forum. At any rate, have fun with SketchUp!
oh, I forgot to mention that you can not push/pull 2 faces simultaneously in SketchUp, though I think there might be an additional script you can download and install that will give you this functionality. Someone else will have to provide a link to this though.
Hello all,
While searching for sketchup info I found this active board, which i hope i can learn from on contribute to.
To get started i have some questions:
Is it possible to create scenes based upon external data?
I have a dbase with in it a list of names.
For each name i want to autmatically create a scene with that name.
Can this be done?
And in the same way: Is it possible to create 1 page for each scene in Layout? -
Is it possible to display entity info in some sort of window while mousing over an object? Again this info is stored in a dbase.
Can colors of an object be different between scenes? Currently it's not in the list of the property-settings that are stored between scenes.
Is it possible to display text in the SU window that comes from out of SU? (eg. from a dbase or a txt file)
I hope these questions make sense and my english is understandable. I'm not looking for a complete script (but if it exsists, why not) but more guidelines on how to do the SU part. I think i already have the communication with the dbase working so now i just need some ruby advise on how to make it work in SU.
Thx in advance and kind regards,
Pout -
Hi Pout - and welcome to the forums!
Most of your questions above can only be done with ruby (or other) scripting if they can at all (I myself am not a scripter to be able to tell).
Therefore you should post your questions in the Ruby forum to get bigger attention.
As for the LayOut question - yes, under the SU Model tab in the LO Tray (on the right),you can insert an image of the model from any scene.
I'm Stew, and architecture student, who has a reasonable understanding of modelling in SketchUp. The only problem I have is exporting my models.
I am not 100% convinced with the finish when exporting from purely SketchUp, so I seek advice and guidance of a suitable render package to use.
I have never used any rendering packages in the past so don't know what to look for. I've read up on Modo, Cheetah3D, Studio Max etc but have no idea on the easiest and best for my needs.
Any guidance/advice on this matter would be much appreciated.
SketchUp is such an important tool during my design work, so would like to make more use of the programme, but present it in a more professional manner.
Kind Regards,
Welcome to SCF Stew.
What OS are you using?
What line of work are you in, or what type of renders are you hoping to do?
These questions are in order to best direct you to a renderer that might best suit your needs.
Been dabbling with sketchup for a few months now (learning mostly) as an aid for pattern creation when making large inflatable objects, namely kite line laundry.
So far off the drawing board has been a 2m ground display spider, which wasn't hugely successful, but not bad, a slightly better 2m carrot top - another ground anchored inflatable. Going out for testing this weekend hopefully is a 6m felix the cat, which was pretty well entirely drawn up in sketchup 'cept for his hands and feet.
I havn't been able to find any designing software that was affordable and could do what I wanted in one complete package. Using sketchup certainly is affordable costing nothing and once I've drawn something up, it is exported into Pepakura http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/ to create the fabric pattern. in most cases the whole process goes thru about 4 different programs from go to whoa.
While not a perfect solution for what I use it for, as I get better at using sketchup and manipulating it for pattern template making, there is definitely a lot of promise there.
JoL -
Very cool Jol. Glad you're here. Kite line laundry sounds interesting, I don't know of anyone else using SketchUp for that. I just went to the Berkeley kite festival a few weeks ago here in California, USA. And I know that Jean Lemire, another long time SU user flys kites. He does 1 man 3 kite ballet stuff up in Canada I think. Anyhow, good to have you!
Sorry for the delay in replying. Impressive portfolio.
I use Mac OS X 10.5.4 or alternatively I have an older version of 10.3.9 on my PowerBook.
Being an architecture student I create my buildings in SU the drop them into Photoshop to montage the context in.
I'm not looking for anything spectacular at the moment until I grab the basics of rendering packages, just something to take the SU cartoonish appearance, as I see it, away from my models.
Thanks again,
Im very new to mixing cad and SU, am I able to bring a surface into SU from Civil 3D. I created a dwg with the surface only, but nothing shows up.
Any help is appreciated.
There are many free and or cheap rendering solutions available these days, maybe slightly less available options for the Mac platform but nevertheless there are some available and they are pretty good.
I would suggest one of three options:
Podium: http://www.suplugins.com/
This is the easiest one to learn and will be sufficient for your intentions. As you have noticed a large number of my renders as seen on my site was done with Podium. There is a free version available but has a render size limitation.Kerkythea: http://www.kerkythea.net/joomla/
This is totally free and is very powerful, it will take a little time to master but is worth the effort as it is capable of amazing results. All the bells and with the exception of one whistle (displacement) is included, and that last whistle is in the making so I hear.
IDX Renditioner: http://www.idx-design.com/IDX/IDXRenditioner/tabid/709/Default.aspx?gclid=CLrT09WjsZUCFRRhnAodHgk0kQ
Another easy solution and I believe there is some kind of special available or even a free version, This too is more than adequate for your emmediate needs and pretty simple to learn.
Good luck and please post as soon as you have something available.