Curved stair stringer help
I can't work out how to make some faces on a curved stringer I have tried a few techs. but nothing seems to work. The follow-me tool makes the stringer go all over the place, so far I have worked out the top and bottom of the stringer but it will not close the two sides. Can someone take a look at the model and guild me through, I still need to work on the guardrail and handrail. (this is a study model)
Looks like the low side of the stair stringer is slightly out of whack [plumb] 1/16"
I selected the top of the stringer and copied it down, then stitched er together.
I left the low side of the stringer oversized to show where your your out slightly.Best,
You might consider drawing a projection of the stringer on a horiontal surace. Use Push/Pull to pull it to height. Then draw a horizontal projection of the stringer onto a vertical surface and Use Push/Pull to intersect that shape with the first. Select both extrusions and run Intersect and then delete the waste. This should go quite rapidly this way.
If you want to use the runner frame that you created, I created the runner walls by using the FromContour tool in the sandbox tool set. I had to rotate the frame clockwise to offer more of a rise/run but after using the tool, I just rotated it back. See my results
Thanks for all the responses, now I see what the problem was. I din't think of copying the top down, I use the same method to make the bottom as I did for the top which took about 30 minutes when I should of copied in 30 seconds. All good now stringer looks great, is there a way to smooth up the stringer a bit more after using the curve stitcher tool.
Thanks again for all the input, now I am onto the guardrail, so there may be some more question later tonight.CMD,
Can you please explain more about how you used the FromContour tool in sandbox, the model you posted the stringer looks super smooth. This is a technique that I would love to know.
Thanks -
Another possible option would be to delete the faces you have created leaving just the inside lines.
Select the lines and use weld.rb.
Select welded lines (polyline) and use skin.rb.
Select newly created face and use Joint Push Pull. -
Dear All,
A tutorial (or tutorials) showing the different methods would be nice, and then the result(s) could go in the tutorial section.
Bob -
There's another possible approach from Limon in this thread
I was going to describe the FromContour method in detail but I realised that there is a faster more efficient way of creating the stringer. I used the extrudelinetool.rb found on the Ruby Library Depot -
Here is a pdf to show how I created your stringer.
Well here is my finished stair, tried to use copy along path for the guardrail post but I couldn't work it out. Anyway here it is a little rough but the job done, now onto working drawing for this stair
Also thanks CMD for the tutorial
It looks worked out to me. What approach did you use to make the rail?